Chapter 11: Too Perfect.

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    I took a sip of my coffee as I skimmed through the news paper. It has been nice being home and taking care of the business I needed to here, but I couldn’t wait to be back with all of the action of formula 1 and of course to be with Kimi. I heard the kitchen door swing open and I looked up to see Julia, Ferrari’s head of PR hurrying into the kitchen. Her dark hair was pulled into a bun as usual and she was wearing her typical charcoal gray pencil skirt an blazer. She seemed out of breath an was clutching a magazine in her hand.

    “Have you seen this?” she thrust the tabloid at me. I dropped my coffee cup when I saw the cover.

    On the cover was a picture of a beautiful woman. The headline said ‘I’m pregnant’ in large lettering. However the next bit was what made my stomach churn ‘with formula 1 driver, Kimi Raikkonen’s baby’. I wanted the words to disappear, or say something else. I kept blinking hoping it would go away. But It didn’t, Under the words was a smaller photo of Kimi sneaking into his room with this girl. I looked up at Julia, horrified.

    “This can’t be true. Julia, tell me it’s a lie.” I kept shaking my head.

    “I’m still working with the sources, but honey. I think its true. The photos are real and we are going to make them complete a paternity test.” Julia looked at me sympathetically.

    “No. Why would he do this to me?” tears flowed freely down my face.

    “People make mistakes honey. Unfortunately I see that a lot because of my line of work.” she said.

    “I have to go get my bags. My flight is in two hours.” I said feeling the numbness come on.

    “Give him a chance to try and work it out. Maybe it is a mistake. I will do my best to keep this as quiet as I can.” Julia assured me.

    I said my goodbyes to my grandfather. I tried to put on a strong face for him. Julia clearly hadn’t told him and he wasn’t very media savvy. Hopefully he wouldn’t find out and then have Kimi killed before I could do it myself. I was so hurt. I collected my bags and made my way to the airport.

    Once I had boarded our private jet and was settled in I grabbed my phone. I saw a text from Seb. There were also a dozen missed calls from Kimi which I chose to ignore.

    ‘Hey. Are you on your way?’

    ‘I’m just boarding now.’ I replied.

    ‘Have you… heard anything lately… that might be out of the ordinary?’ he skirted around the issue. I guess he didn’t want to make me more upset if I hadn’t already heard.

    ‘Like that Kimi knocked up some slut? I’m quite aware.’

    ‘Are you okay? I’m here for you if you need anything.’

    ‘I will be. Thanks. I will let you know.’ I stowed my phone away as I heard the engines power up.

    As soon as I reached the track I made a bee-line for the Ferrari garage. I stepped inside and saw Kimi standing with his engineer eating an ice-cream. Our eyes locked, I knew he could see the fire in my eyes.

    “Lets go somewhere and talk Heidi.” he said calmly.

    “No thanks. I’d rather have it out right here.” I said vindictively.

    “It’s not appropriate. We will go to a private room. I have a lot to explain to you.” Kimi grabbed hold of my arm. I jerked away.

    “What is not appropriate is you cheating on me! And getting some other girl pregnant.” I raised my voice. I knew we were attracting attention, but I didn’t care. I wanted him to hurt like he had hurt me.

    “Shh. Keep your voice down. Do you want this to be in the media more than it already is?” He tried to quiet me.

    “Since when do you care about how you look to the media, Iceman?” I spat.

    “Fine.” He growled “What do you have to say to me? I’m sure its great.”

    “I thought you had something to explain to me? I think it should be pretty clear how I feel. Come on, what is your sorry excuse?” I crossed my arms over me chest.

    “Look it was after I saw you with Jenson. I was sure you were cheating on me. I made a mistake. You can’t hold me totally responsible. I thought you were cheating, and I hadn’t slept with anyone in so long.” His eyes were cold and angry towards me.

    “Oh so now its my fault because I won’t sleep with you and because I talk to men? I didn’t know you were so chauvinistic Kimi.” I was enraged. “Look I don’t think we should see each other anymore.”

    “I don’t want that.” Kimi mumbled.

    “Could have fooled me.” I rolled my eyes “Cheating on your girlfriend seems to me like you don’t want to be with her.”

    “It was a mistake.” I growled.

    “Some mistakes can’t be forgotten.” I shook my head.

    “I’m not asking you to forget. I know you won’t ever forget how big of an idiot I am. I am asking you to forgive me.” he looked at me genuinely. It was the hardest thing. I didn’t want to forgive the man who had hurt me more than any other person had. But I also didn’t want to be stubborn and lose the only man I’ve ever cared about, maybe even loved. I sighed.

    “Kimi you hurt me.” I looked up into his eyes.

    “I know, and I’m sorry.”  He rubbed my arm.

    “You’re going to be a dad.” I frowned, he broke from our eye contact.

    “I will do right and provide for this baby, but I do not want them in my life.” He looked back at me.

    “I want you to do a paternity test.” I told him sternly.

    “You sound like Julia.” he half smiled.

    “You never know with these women. They see a man of means and fame and they will do anything to get his money. It could all be a lie.” I had been trying to convince myself of that.

    “I love you.” he said out of the blue.

    “What?” I asked, confused.

    “I love you Heidi. I’ve never felt this way about any woman ever before. I thought I loved my wife, but it was nothing compared to how I feel about you.”

    “I love you too Kimi.” I replied instantly. I stood up on my tippy toes and placed a kiss on his lips. He wrapped his arms around me and deepened the kiss.

    “Well I’m glad you haven’t killed him.” Seb’s voice interrupted us. Perfect timing I groaned. Kimi seemed frustrated as well.

    “You sure know how to ruin a moment.” I joked.

    “Sorry I just had to make sure you weren’t going to murder my competition. Without my help that is.” Seb winked.

    “We worked it out. So your services will not be needed… for now.” I smiled back at Kimi, he rolled his eyes at my silliness.

    “Well I’m glad. I knew you would. You are too perfect for each other.” Sebastian grinned.

    “We are aren’t we?” I kissed Kimi on the cheek.

    “Yes.” He whispered.

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