Chapter 18: Jail

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    I stormed up to my grandfathers room I was fuming. How dare Kimi refuse to race! How dare he put me in this situation! He can’t try and control my life like this. Who I date has nothing to do with him. I swear he is acting like a child who hasn’t gotten his way. I pulled out my phone and dialed his number.

    “What do you want?” Kimi groaned.

    “Why are you doing this?” my voice was full of anger.

    “Doing what? Racing? I don’t feel like racing for a company employs traitors, and people who lack morals and integrity.” Kimi growled.

    “Kimi, you can’t just stop racing because I am with Mark. That’s not fair to me!” I couldn’t believe how stubborn he was.

    “Fair to you? Its all about you isn’t it princess?” he taunted. That was it. I hung up the phone on him and barged into my grandfathers room.

    “I am taking a quick trip to Austria.” I said and then left.

    I didn’t pack anything because I didn’t plan to be there long. I jumped into my red Ferrari California and sped off. The five hour drive only took my shortly over three. I arrived at the track and immediately forced my way into the paddock without showing identification. I heard people calling after me but I wasn’t stopping. I stormed into the Ferrari garage. Fernando saw me and looked confused. I glanced around, Kimi was nowhere in sight.

    “Where is Kimi?” I demanded.

    “The hotel. He won’t leave.” Fernando said.

    “Fine.” I left for the hotel that Fernando gave my directions to.

    I flew up to Kimi’s suite on the seventh floor and banged loudly on the door. A minute passed with no response. I banged again, louder. Soon I heard footsteps coming and the door opened. Kimi stood in front of me. He looked disheveled. His hair was messy and his eyes were blood shot. He looked confused to see me.
    “What are you doing here?” He rubbed his eyes.

    “I’m here to make you race again.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

    “So you have broken up with Mark?” he asked even though I could see he knew the answer.

    “No of course n…” Kimi slammed the door in my face. I returned to banging on the door. Other guest were now poking their heads out of the doors to see what the commotion was. I knew security was being called on me.

    “Kimi let me in you idiot!” I yelled. “Idiootti! Is that Finnish? Here let me speak your language so maybe you’ll understand! I’m going to murha you!”

    I didn’t know much Finnish, but I was hoping maybe me poor attempt at his language would make him angry enough to open the door again. I kicked the door. Kimi still did no answer. However, I did see several men in dark suits coming down the hall towards me.

    “Kimi let me in! Security is about to take me away! And I want to talk to you.” I guess Kimi still didn’t want to talk to me, because he didn’t answer the door and security grabbed me by either arm and started to drag me away.

    “Let go of me! I can walk out on my own.” I yelled. I continued to kick and scream. Maybe making a scene wasn’t wise, but I didn’t fancy being treated this way. Once the men had me in the lobby there were two uniformed officers waiting.
    “Here is the trouble-maker.” the security guard said as he pushed me towards the officers.

    “No, no, no! I can explain. I am not causing any harm. Just let me go.” I pleaded.

    “Sorry, Ma’am you’re going to have to come with us.” the officer said. I had let my emotions get the best of me. I had let Kimi get the best of me, and now I am in a heap of trouble.

    I sat in the back of the police car pondering my mistakes and why I was here. My grandfather would be so disappointed. I didn’t know how I would tell him that I had been taken to jail. Nothing is going right in my life. The officers placed me in a holding cell with several other women. I felt out of place in my black dolce and gabbana shirt dress and louboutin heels. These women were criminals. I was only here because the hotel over-reacted and said I was disturbing the peace and claimed I had damaged hotel property. I sat in a corner of the cell away from the other women.

    “Miss Felisa.” A female officer stood at the door to the cell.

    “Yes.” I wiped the tears from my eyes.

    “You can have your phone call now.” she opened the door and allowed me out. She pointed me to a dirty phone hanging on the wall. I looked at me watch, the race had just started and my grandfather would be no help back in Italy. I wasn’t ready to tell him anyway.


    “Please don’t hang up.” I said quickly as soon as I heard him pick up.

    “What do you want now?” Kimi grumbled.

    “Kimi… I need you to come get me.” I said softly.

    “From where? Why? Why should I help you?” His tone was unhappy.

    “Kimi, they took my to jail.” I whispered.

    “Why should I help you? Call your boyfriend.” He huffed.

    “He is racing right now. Like you’re supposed to be. You’re the only one I could call.” I said getting frustrated. I could see the female officer signaling that my time was up.

    “Please Kimi. I know you hate me. But please, please just come get me…” I spoke quickly. The officer hung up the phone as I got my last words out. I gave her a rude look and she escorted me back to the cell.

    It was hours. Or at least it seemed like it. They had taken my watch and valuables. Like I would make a weapon from them. I laughed at the idea. I couldn’t wait for the tabloids to get a hold of this ‘Granddaughter of Ferrari CEO in prison for trying to break in F1 driver Kimi Raikkonen’s room.’ I’m sure they will go nuts when they find out.

    “Miss Felisa.” another officer opened the door. “Come with me.”

    “Where are you taking me?” I followed the officer out a different way than I had come in. Maybe they were putting me into a permanent cell with the normal prisoners. I was terrified. The officer lead me down a hallway with a large, menacing gray steel door at the end. He opened the door and surprisingly I saw daylight.

    “Someone has posted your bail. You are free to go. I am sorry for this misunderstanding. None of this will go on your record.” The officer explained and then closed the door behind me. Outside the door was an alley way with a red Ferrari California parked in it. My Ferrari California. In the drivers seat, sat Kimi. He was wearing a hat an sunglasses. He was sneaking me out. I owe him. I went around the passenger door and got in. He handed my tortoise sunglasses and a sun hat.

    “Thank you so much.” I said softly. I felt so small. I had been so terrible to Kimi and yet he still helped me. Kimi just grunted in response.

    “How much was bail? I can pay you back.” I urged.

    “No need. I have plenty of money.” he said as he drove away from the prison.

    “That’s not the point. You shouldn’t have to pay that for me.” I insisted.

    “It’s fine Heidi. Please, just drop it.” He started intently out the windscreen. I huffed. He was so obstinate.

    He drove on. Eventually we got to the hotel, but he passed it. To my surprise he drove us to the track. He shut off the car and handed me the keys. Then without a word he got out and began to walk towards the Paddock. I quickly jumped out of the car and ran after him.

    “Kimi, Kimi! Stop.” I called after him struggling to catch up with him in my high heels. He stopped and waited for me. “Kimi, what are you doing?”

    “I’m going back to racing. I’ve decided I’m not going to let some stupid girl make me give up on what I love doing.” he said coldly and then began walking back towards the track. My heart hurt I was just some stupid girl to him. That’s all I ever have been and all I ever will be. At that moment as I watched him walk back towards the track I realized that I was in love with Kimi Raikkonen.



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