Chapter 42: Australian GP

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“I think we should get married soon.” Kimi said while grabbing a beer from the fridge. We were currently at his home and had been there for the last week since he proposed.

    “Yeah? Why is that?” I raised an eyebrow. I was sitting on the counter drinking a bottle of water.

    “I dunno, I guess I just think we should be married when the baby comes.” he said before taking a swig of his beer.

    “How traditional of you.” I smiled.

    “Don’t make fun of me.” he winked. “I’m trying to do the right thing. And I know you want it this way. You would want to be married for the baby.”

    “Yes, you’re right. I really don’t want to look like a beached whale in my wedding pictures though.” I looked down at my belly.

    “You’re beautiful no matter what.” Kimi walked over and kissed my belly and then placed a kiss on my lips. He has been so romantic. I had no idea he could be this way. I have never pictured the iceman as such a softie, maybe it was the baby or because we are engaged, either way it is a pleasant surprise.

    “You’re sweet.” I rolled my eyes. I still didn’t know how I felt about him wanted us to get married soon. He was right. I did want to be married when I had children, but since I was pregnant and we already aren’t married I guess I don’t see the point. And I’d rather not look back at my wedding photos and be pregnant.

    “Plus the season will be starting soon. And when will we have time until after?” He said.

    “Would it be so bad to wait until after the season ends?” I asked, I could see this struck a nerve. He didn’t like this suggestion at all. He set his beer down hard on the counter causing some to slosh out. He ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

    “Heidi. Do you not want to be married to me?” he asked.

    “That’s not it at all Kimi! You know I love you. There is nothing I want more in this world right now than to be married to you. You just have to understand I am trying to figure out what is best too and I’m just not sure.” I slid of the counter and put my hand on his bicep, rubbing his arm comfortingly. “Baby I love you.” I looked into his clear blue eyes and then stood on my tippy toes to kiss him. He kissed me back gently.

    “I love you too.” He sighed. “I’m sorry for getting angry.

    “Its okay. I understand. We are both just trying to figure out what is best, and we will, but we need to decide what is best for both of us and the baby. Just a little more time Kimi, so that we make the right decision.” I explained, Kimi nodded and kissed me again.

    “Oh, hey look what I got in the mail today!” I grabbed a box from off the counter that had been shipped here from Italy. I pulled a red onesie with the Ferrari logo on it out of the box and held it up for Kimi. “How cute is this?” I grinned. Kimi smiled with pride taking the onesie and examining it.

    “Will he really be this small?” Kimi asked in wonder.

    “Small? I’ve got to push that out! That’s huge.” I said joking. “Yeah he will be about that small.”

    “Wow. I can’t believe you’re going to give birth to my… our son. Its so amazing.” he smiled.

    “For you.” I rolled my eyes. “I’m the one who has to do all the work.”

    “Well I’m sorry.” he laughed.

    “It’s okay, I’ll make sure you never forget it.” I smiled “Gotta pee.” I announced. The joys of pregnancy.

    Kimi and I walked through the paddock at the Australian grand prix. Against what Kimi wanted, which was for me to stay back home where it was “safer”. I was seven months pregnant and this may be the last race I get to attend for a while so I wasn’t going to miss it. I was holding tightly onto Kimi’s hand and we had been doing out best to avoid the media. Across the paddock Seb spotted us and dropped what he was doing to come see us.

    “Hey mamma. How are you and the baby doing?” he asked rubbing my belly.

    “Very good. I’m ready for him to be out though.” I smiled.

    “Not much longer.” Seb smiled, then turned to shake Kimi’s hand and pat him on the back. “and the proud father to be.”

    Someone from the red bull garage called for Sebastian and he reluctantly retreated.

    “I guess we need to go to Ferrari.” I shrugged. When we walked into the garage Kimi was instantly whisked away by the team to help work on getting the car ready to race. I found a seat on Kimi’s side of the garage. Dasha was across the way and was staring rudely at me. I didn’t see Fernando at the moment, but I’m sure he is around here somewhere. Dasha kept staring at me and frankly I was getting tired of it. She is the one with the problem, not me.

    “If you keep making that face, it might freeze like that Kupastina.” I called from across the garage.

    “At least I’m not fat.” she quickly responded.

    “I’m pregnant, you idiot.” I rolled my eyes.

    “That’s right. Because you’re a home wrecker, you only got pregnant so you could tear Kimi and Minttu apart. It’s probably not even his!” she came over to me. She was trying to be threatening, but I wasn’t afraid of the waif like girl.

    “I’ve been pregnant since before they were together.” I don’t know why I was defending myself. I knew I was wasting my time.

    “Likely story. You’re such a whore.” she spat.

    “And you’re not?” I raised an eyebrow. By this time the whole garage had gone silent and had stopped working. Kimi had left and everyone was just watching us fight.

    “Of course not. I am with Fernando and Fernando only, because he loves me. Unlike the pity Kimi has for you. He is only marrying you because you are having his baby.” she crossed her arms. I tried to fight back tears from bubbling up. Maybe it was true, maybe he was just marrying me because its ‘the right thing to do’.

    “You are a wicked woman Dasha Kupastina. You only get joy when other people are miserable and when you can make yourself seem better than them.” I said and turned to flee the garage.

    “Sure, run away. You know what I’m saying is true.” she called after me. I bumped into Kimi on the  way out of the garage. He saw the tears in my eyes and clasped my by the arms. His eyes were filled with concern.

    “What is wrong sweetheart?” He asked.

    “I’m going home.” tears were now flowing down my face.

    “Why? Whats wrong? Its that Russian whore isn’t it?” he was angry. I stayed silent and that was the answer to his question. He stormed into the garage, I timidly followed behind him.

    “Dasha! You whore! Stay away from my fiancée. If I hear that you talked to her, no! Even if you look her way I will make sure you are not allowed back in this garage. I don’t care if you are Fernando’s girlfriend. You will not make my soon to be wife feel uncomfortable. Let me also remind you that she is the granddaughter of the current Ferrari CEO. You are disgracing this team and I will not put up with it.” He yelled at her. She looked shocked and taken aback. After he gave her what for we walked back out of the garage.

    “Are you sure you don’t want to stay? I will make sure Dasha doesn’t give you anymore trouble.” he asked.

    “I’m sure. You were right in the first place. It would be better for the baby and I to be close to home.” I said. He nodded and then kissed me.

    “I love you.” I nodded and then headed for the airport.

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