Chapter 37: Going Home

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    I stood in front of the mirror doing my make up. I was observing my face self consciously. I felt like I could already see my face becoming rounder. I pulled my blonde hair back into a pony tail. I feel tired all the time now and I only put minimal effort into my appearance. What’s the point anyway? I’m not trying to impress anyone. I heard my phone going off and I ran into the other room to get it.

    “Hello?” I answered the phone.

    “Heidi.” I heard my grandfather’s cheerful voice. “How are you?”

    “Great.” I replied, taking a seat on the bed. “I’ve been tired, but I’ve felt pretty good over all.”

    “That’s wonderful.” I could picture my grandfather’s smiling face.

    “I’m about to head to the track for qualifying.” I hinted to him that I needed to wrap up the call.

    “Oh, I won’t keep you much longer then. I will just get to the point. Have you thought any more about telling Kimi?” he just wouldn’t let it go. I sighed.

    “Grandfather, I just can’t tell him.” I frowned.

    “Then I want you to come home.” his words shocked me.

    “But, why?” I asked. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to go home. I was just confused.

    “I was hoping that seeing him would make you reconsider, but since it hasn’t there is not point in you being there and putting extra stress on you and the baby.” he explained.

    “Alright, well after this race…” I started.

    “No. The jet it waiting on the runway. Pack your things, you’re coming home.” He was firm.

    “Okay.” I said and hung up the phone. I began to pack my things, but I called Sebastian first.

    “I’m leaving.” I said once he picked up the phone.

    “What do you mean Heidi?” I heard his confused voice.

    “My grandfather just called and said I need to go back to Italy.” I replied.

    “Can’t you stay still the end of the season?” Sebastian asked.

    “Its not an option. I wish I could stay, for you. He told me I have to go though.” I sighed, throwing clothes into my suitcase.

    “Are you at least staying for this race?” he asked.

    “No, I’m packing and then heading to the airport right now.” I zipped my suitcase up.

    “I’ll miss you.” Sebastian sounded disappointed.

    “I’ll miss you too. Call me and you know you’re always welcome to come visit.” I reminded him.

    “of course.” He said.

    “Good luck.” I said.

    “Thank you, I’ll definitely beat Ferrari with you gone.” I could imagine him smirking.

    “Ferrari can kick your butt anytime.” I stuck my tongue out.

    “Keep telling yourself that Heidi. You know with my superior driving skills they don’t stand a chance.” Sebastian joked back with me.

    “I could beat you myself.” I rolled my eyes.

    “Once you’re not pregnant we will have to see about that.” He chuckled.

    “Yeah we will!” I retorted. I paused. “Bye Seb.”

    “Bye Heidi. Stay well.” I hung up the phone and then headed to the airport.

    The Ferrari jet was sitting on the runway when I got there, just as my grandfather had said. One of the attendants got my bags out of the car while I boarded the plane. As the plane took off I looked out the window. I could see the track from the air. Tears began to slide down my face. I was going to miss being at the races, I was going to miss Sebastian, and as much as I hated to admit it I was going to miss seeing Kimi. When the plane touched down there was a car waiting for me. The attendants unloaded my bags and I got into the back seat of the black sedan. The car took me to the Ferrari factory. I dreaded seeing my grandfather. The car dropped me off at the door and I got out and headed to my grandfathers office. I stormed into the office flinging the door open. I could see my grandfather was meeting with someone. He gave me a glare that told me to leave, but I wasn’t in the mood. I had time on the flight to think about what I wanted and it wasn’t to be locked in the house for the rest of a pregnancy. I glared right back at him.

    “Heidi, just a moment. Can you wait in the lobby?” He said through gritted teeth.

    “I don’t think so. I’m ready to talk now.” I said putting my hand on my hip. My grandfather politely whispered something to the man that he had been talking to and then the man left.

    “Heidi that was extremely rude.” My grandfather said as soon as the door was closed.

    “So was forcing me to leave.” I countered.

    “It was a decision for your best Heidi. A race track is not place for a pregnant woman.” he said sternly

“unless I had Kimi to protect me? Then it would be acceptable? How does that make it any better? I‘m not helpless, I‘ve gotten this far without a man.” I threw my hands in the air.

    “Yes, If Kimi were supporting you it might have been different, but you wont tell him anything.” my grandfather yelled.

    “Sebastian was supportive of me! He would have helped me!” I argued back.

    “He is a driver for another team! He couldn’t be with you constantly like Kimi would. I don’t think Christian would take very kindly to a member of the Ferrari team coming into his garage and into meetings with Sebastian. You’re not being realistic Heidi.” He shook his head. I frowned.

    “I just don’t want to be alone. If I am traveling with them I can keep my mind occupied. I don’t want to sit in that house alone all day every day and think about what could have been, what should have been.” Tears welled up in my eyes.

    “It still could be Heidi.” my grandfather put a hand on my shoulder. I shook my head.

    “He is so happy now. It can’t.”

Note: Sorry it has been so long! I've been on vacation and its been good to take a break, but I am so excited to be writing again. As always please vote and comment!

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