Chaper 39: The Date is Set

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    Sebastian had finally calmed me down. It was the next morning and I was sitting on the balcony eating a bagel and drinking juice. Since my pregnancy I have cut down on my coffee consumption and it was killing me. I was looking over the tabloids which had already caught wind of the proposal. A glossy picture of Minttu clutching possessively onto Kimi while showing off her massive ring was displayed on the front cover of almost every tabloid. I had only been able to pull out the magazines since Sebastian was in the shower. He would take them away from me if he knew, but I just couldn’t stop looking. I couldn’t believe my life. I am carrying his baby while he is engaged to be married to another woman. This is mostly my fault. I know it is, but at this point I don’t know how to fix it. I’m not even sure it can be fixed. Kimi and Minttu will get married and live happily ever after and I will spend the rest of my life alone. You know how they say you never know what you had until its gone? Well its true. Kimi was now like a ship sailing farther and farther away from me as I stood on the shore. I knew I could never reach him and trying would cause more pain than I could possibly bare.

    I heard the bathroom door open and I shoved the tabloids back into my purse to hide them from Sebastian. I looked up as he walked out onto the balcony. He was currently distracted trying to dry his hair with a towel. A nice wind blew causing my shirt to lift up a bit and reveal my stomach.

    “Its still so weird to see you pregnant.” Sebastian chuckled.

    “Yeah.” I mumbled, it was even more weird for me. I never pictured my life going this way. I knew when I had children it would be with a man I was married to and unfortunately that’s not at all how it has turned out. Life is a crazy thing.

    “I want coffee.” I muttered grumpily.

    “Well go get some.” Seb laughed.

    “I can’t. Caffeine isn’t good for pregnant women.” I scrunched up my face.

    “No wonder you’re even meaner.” I stuck out my tongue at Sebastian. “are you ready to go to practice?”

    “Yeah I guess.” I said hopping up from my seat and grabbing my bag.

    Once at the track Sebastian had to go into the redbull garage which unfortunately I was not allowed into. I suddenly felt lonely and scared. I was beginning to regret coming here. I went to leave the paddock and go find a seat in the stands. As I was leaving I saw my two least favorite people walking towards me. Dasha and Minttu. Minttu was showing off of gaudy ring to Dasha who was ooing and awing over it. Dasha looked up and caught my glance. She sneered at me and then whispered something into Minttu’s ear. I knew they were talking about me.

    “Put on a few pounds have we?” Minttu said viciously once they reached me.

    “Yeah, now I don’t have to worry about blowing away. You two better grab onto something, its pretty windy.” I shot back.

    “And where did you get that outfit? Its hideous.” Dasha said he accent thick. “Come one dear, I know you have money. Why do you dress that way?”

    “Because I’m not concerned with labels like you two airheads.” I rolled my eyes. “I don’t have to prove my better than anyone.”

    “You’re right, because you’re not.” Dasha laughed evily.

    “Why are you guys here bothering me?” I asked honestly.

    “Kimi and I are getting married on New Years.” Minttu said matter of factly.

    “This New Years?” I asked shocked.

    “Yeah, we’re in ‘love’. Why wait?” She asked. Dasha saw a friend and she rushed over to talk to them, leaving Minttu and I alone.

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