Someone help me

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"Toby?! You're here!!!"

"Shhhhhh. Do you want them to come and find me here?" He hissed at me.

"Sorry. I just missed you a lot." I admitted.

"I missed you too babe. What the fuck happened to your head?!! Did they do this?"

He start speeding to the door when I pushed him back.

"Do you want them to know you're here? I'll tell you later ok? Just hold me for now, please."

He immediately pulled me into a hug while rubbing my head and telling me he'll get me out of here as soon as possible. After what seemed like forever he pulled back and led me to the bed and pulled me into an embrace while entwining our legs together and looked at me and asked me to tell him what happened. I stayed quiet for a while but finally spilled out everything except for my opinion of Christian. He was enraged and told me to pack my things as fast as I could and he helped me like he did at the home and stopped when we heard the doorknob rattling. I quickly pushed my suitcase under the bed along with Toby. Thank God that the bed spread was big enough to cover the bed until the floor. I quickly hid in the covers pretending I was asleep. Then I heard the door open and footsteps coming closer to the bed, my heart was pounding so loud I'm pretty sure the person could hear it. I laid there for a while thinking they walked out until the familiar feeling of my hair being yanked came back and I was pulled to the floor.

"What did you tell him bitch?! I know you weren't sleeping. I could hear you moving around up here for the past hour, what were you doing anyways?"

She looked around the room for evidence proving that I was doing something wrong while still holding my hair she glared at me. I saw Toby coming out from under the bed and I yelled, "No!!!!! Don't!!"

I screamed at him and he glared at me while going back under the bed and she chuckled and said, "Don't what? Knock you out again? I wasn't planning on it." She released me making me fall on the ground. "I just wanted to talk to my daughter and get to know her better, is that too much to ask?"

"I don't see a whore around here?" I said with a confused tone.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh I'm sorry. I just meant that if you had a kid she would have to be a whore like her mother. Oh look at that, there is a whore in the room."

She lunged at me when Christian busted in the room.

"What are you doing Veronica?! Get away from her!"

"Babe. What are you doing home? I thought you had to stay late today."

"Don't change the subject. What is she doing on the floor?"

"She fell again and I was just helping her get up."

"Get out."


"You heard me! Get out of the room or I will make you!"

"What for? I was just helping the girl!"

"Stop lying to me! I know how you are when you're in your moods. Leave until you can control yourself!"

"What do you care for her? Is she your little whore now? Is she more important than me, huh?"

"Stay at your sister's tonight."

She looked at me with a hatred I have never seen in a person's face before mouthing the name Victor. Christian gave me a weird look but I said, "She's telling the truth. I fell and she was trying to get me up. She was only yelling because I kept getting hurt and it was making her look bad which is MY fault so I'm sorry. It was an accident." I looked at him to see if he believed me or not.


"Yeah?" She had a triumphant look on her face and smirked at me.

"Get out and stay at your sister's until I say you can come back."

"Baby. Didn't you hear what she said?"

"Don't make me tell you again." He gave her a dangerous look.

Her face paled while she backed up and left the room slamming the door. Christian came and sat down next to me in complete silence until he heard the front door close.

"Are you okay? Don't lie to me this time."

"Nothing happened."

"What does she have against you? What did she mouth to you to make you defend her?"

"I can't tell you."

"Why not? I can help you. Please just tell me. I promise I will keep you safe."

"Don't make promises you can't keep."

"I've broken many promises but this time I swear I won't break it. So tell me exactly everything that happened."

I looked at him and the look he gave me made me cave in and tell him everything I told Toby a few minutes ago.

"Who's Victor?"

"Now that's something I really can't tell you. I've never told anyone about him so I'm not going to start now."

"No more hiding things from me. Ever. I won't force you to tell me but I will find out eventually. If that's the one secret you'll have then i'll leave it be... for now. I'll handle Veronica, just go back to sleep." He kissed my cheek and walked out of the door leaving me confused once again.

Toby came out from under the bed.

"What the Hell was that? And why didn't you let me help you?"

"I don't know and I didn't want her to catch you here because she would have made sure you went back to the shelter. And I can't live without seeing your face everyday."

"Oh. Professing your love to me already?"

"Shut up before I take it back."

He laughed and then pulled me in for a kiss. I deepened the kiss and pulled him as close as he could get to me. He lifted me up to the bed removing my shirt, then my pants while I did the same to him. He got on top of me still kissing me while roaming my body and I gasped when he grabbed my ass. He started to pull my undies down but then stopped everything, the kissing, the touching, the moment faded.

"What happened? Why did you stop?"

"I don't want to sleep with you in some random person's house. My first time with you has to be special. You're not just any girl that I can shag in the alley. You deserve better than that." He leaned towards me kissing my nose and then my lips back to my cheek. "We'll leave early tomorrow. Get some sleep my love. Good night. I love you."

I got comfortable in his arms thinking how lucky I am to have someone like him. "I love you too."

I closed my eyes and start drifting off into deep sleep. I was leaving a bar a bit drunk having the feeling that I was being watched. I picked up my pace in the alley trying to get to the sidewalks in front of the stores so people could see me if I was going to get kidnapped or something when I was yanked back by someone's arms violently holding me into place.

"Help! Someone help me! Please!"

The mystery man whacked me against the head making me fall to the ground once more. I struggled to crawl away from him when a figure approached and start fighting with the man. My rescuer punched him in a jaw a few times then jammed his head into the ground. He turned away to keep walking. I got up slowly passing the mystery man on the floor.

"Wait. Where are you going? Toby? Is that you?"

The man stopped moving and let me catch up. I turned him around and I saw him. Not Toby but... Christian."

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