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I froze in the middle of the room while Christian start yelling and then she started yelling while trying to come at me when Christian blocked her and pushed her away.

"Don't touch her!" He hissed.

"This is why you didn't want me to come back! Cause you were too busy screwing her! I bet she just laid there like a log! You want her over me?!"

"Even if she did just lay there, she was a better fuck than you ever were!"

"Whoa. Whoa! Veronica, we didn't sleep together. I swear!"

"Shut up you little whore! I regret ever thinking about adopting you! I only needed you for a job and since you'll ruin my life even more then i'll just return you now!"

"Don't you dare touch her! You're not taking her anywhere. She's mine! And I filed for divorce papers! You should be getting them any day now. Leave now before I lose my temper!"

Both Veronica and I gave each other a surprising look. Wow. This will probably be the only time we were ever going to be thinking the same thing and that is Holy Shit!

"You can't be serious! You know you want me! She's a minor you moron! I can get you arrested for sleeping with her!"

"You heard her say we weren't sleeping together and you wouldn't dare open your mouth about this because I will end you! I have put up with your crap for the past 2 years and I'm tired of your whiny ass! I don't even like you! I don't know why I got married to you in the first place."

"You don't mean that." Tears sprang out of her eyes once more.

"I really do. Now get out. I'll get someone to send your stuff to your sister's place. I never want to see you again."

She glared at me and said," Don't think this is the end of you and me. We'll be seeing each other soon enough. I always win."

And with that, she was gone.

Christian turned to me and pulled me into a hug.

"I'll never let her get to you. Now get ready to leave around 7ish. We're going out somewhere special."

He gave my lips a peck and left the room. What do I own that's good for going out somewhere special? I'm not good with dresses but I do own one my mom bought me before... Well, it's a mid-thigh red strapless dress. She always wanted to see me in it going to prom but some dreams don't ever come true. I put light make-up on and let my hair dry on it's own. Heels are ankle breakers, so I'm going with my black flats. When I thought I was ready, I headed down the stairs and saw Christian already standing there waiting for me. My heart skipped a beat.

"You look gorgeous." He said looking me up and down.

"Ok let's go before you start drooling." I was more afraid that I would start drooling over the muscle under his suit that was bulging out of it.

"Uh. Before I do or you do?" He said with a smirk.

"Shut up and let's go."

He took my hand and led me out to the car. It took about an hour to get there. Honestly I thought he was just going to drive around all night, but we finally got to a restaurant that I couldn't even pronounce. There were tons of people waiting in line to get in. Great another hour of just standing. he turned the car off and came to my side to open the door for me and gracefully placed my hand in his.

"The place looks amazing b-"

"Just wait to see how it looks inside."

"Um, Are we going to have to wait for a long time? Cause even though it looks awesome, I'm not very patient. Sorry if that's bratty buuuuut I don't want to get cranky with you."

He just laughed and pulled me in front of the line, pushing through angry people. They were screaming for us to get out of the line.

"Christian! What are you doing?"

"You said you didn't want to wait." He shrugged.

We got to the very front of it looking at a huge security man. We are seriously getting kicked to the back of the line. I looked nervously to the back of the line where 15 more people joined it.

"Where would you like to sit tonight Chris?"

Wait. What?

"Somewhere quiet."

"You got it. Come on."

I stared at them in shock and once again the smirk appeared on his gorgeous face making me blush. The man led us to a table in the back and Christian pulled out the chair for me to sit down and then sat down across from me. I was going to ask him a question when he stood up. Where is he going? Then he took the chair and put it right next to mine and stared into my eyes moving a fallen piece of my hair away from my eyes and replaced it with a soft kiss.

"Uh. Do you come here often? I'm guessing you do since big scary man just let us cut."

"No actually. The 'big scary man' is my cousin. He always lets me in no matter what."

"Oh that's awesome!" I yelled a bit loud, getting annoyed looks from others. "Sorry! I got excited!" I whispered loudly to them.

"You're cute. Do you know that?"

I looked around and saw some hatred in some of the girl's eyes while undressing Christian with their eyes.

"Eyes off the merchandise. He isn't for sale!" I hissed.

They gasped, got up and left their table.

"Ooh. Someone jealous?"

"No! I just didn't like the looks they were giving me."

"Don't worry. I know you the little green monster was riding your back." He came closer and whispered in my ear, "But that's ok. I like my women like that. It turns me on." And then he backed away while looking at the menu like whatever just happened didn't happen. How does he do that?

We spent a while eating and talking. When we were full and couldn't eat anymore, we decided to go back home. It was around 11 and we were almost home when he turned a different direction and we landed up in front of the movies.

"What are we doing here?"

"We're on a date. You know, dinner and a movie?"

"Oh we are huh? And when did you ask me on a date?"

"I didn't have to. I know you would have said yes anyways."

"Do your hats fit on that big head of yours?"

"Of course but only after you stretched them out for me."

My mouth hung open.

"Ew. Don't do that;you'll catch flies. Now let's go."

"We're going in dressed like this?"

"Yeah? Why not?"

"Cause we're wayyyy too overdressed to come to the movies."

"Don't worry about that. I just have to worry about the stupid guys that will eyeball you when we walk in."

With that, he came opened the door for me and put his arm around my waist leading me into the movies. It was 20 minutes into the movie when I started shivering. He removed his jacket and put it around my shoulders. I took off my shoes and wrapped them under my butt while Christian wrapped his arms around me. I could get used to this.


**sorry for the short/boring chapter. I tried to get their relationship stronger before anything happens. How do you feel about Toby/Veronica? Anyone feel bad for them?**

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