Part 23

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I threw my clothes on as fast as I could. Passing Victor's body I ran out of the room and stopped. I wasn't going to run anymore so I turned back and picked up the lamp. I raised the lamp to strike him but a few inches away from his body, he grabbed the lamp from my hand and twisted my arm until i released it. He stood and striked me down and began kicking me in the ribs. I tried to block myself as best as i could but it didn't help. He reached down,picked me up and threw me across the room.

I struggled to get up. I got to my knees and attempted to stand which only excited him more. He slammed me against the wall and I fell. This time, I had no energy or will to get back up. The room was filled with the sound of panting. His for beating me and mine trying to catch my breath. We sat there for what seemed like eternity and I looked up and thought to myself,there's nothing past this day so I might as well get some answers.

"Why are you doing this? What did we do to you?"

" It's not what you did. It's what she did. " He responded.

"Who's she? My mother? What did she do to you? She was sick. She wasn't capable of hurting you."

"Oh but she could. You see, your mother was mine first."

" You're lying. She'd never be with someone like you! "

"You're not listening! Your mother was mine. I loved her more than anything. There are no words to describe how much."

" You mean obsessed? "

"I'd shut my mouth if i were you."

" Or what? You'll kill me? I've dreaded this moment my whole life but at this moment,it's the most peaceful I've ever felt. "

"I'm not going to kill you. I never had the intention of killing you. Let me speak. Your mother was mine first. We talked of our future often;picked out baby names even but then came my brother. He always wanted what was mine. Didn't even care if he truly wanted it or not. He brainwashed your mother and she left me."

" That's not true! You aren't my uncle! I've never seen pictures or heard stories about you. I just know you! My nightmare. My enemy. My rapist. "

"Don't say that word! Never say that word! I never raped you. You love me just like i love you. Don't you see that you were born just for me? When your mother left me for my brother, I was devastated and for a time depressed but I realized your mother was confused and she needed me to save her. She needed to get away from him and I was the only one who could do it."

" No- no no no. No. It couldn't- you killed my father? " Tears streaming down my face.

"I had to save your mother but by the time i got there, I was too late. She was pregnant with you but I took her back and forgave her. I was going to raise you as my own but your mother- she was different. She tried to run away constantly and I could accept that she didn't understand what was happening. My brother damaged her in ways I couldn't fix. But when she tried to take you. I had no choice. I had to teach her a lesson and after that day, she was not the woman i fell in love with. I grew to hate her but you. You looked just like her and i knew it was fate! You were my second chance! Everything that was meant for me is in you. Your mother is dead to me but you remind me of who i fell in love with."

" You're crazy! You bastard! You took my childhood from me and my father and my mother! What'd you do with her body you psycho?! "

"Whatever do you mean my love?"

" Where is she?! You killed her and i want to know what you did with her! "

"You were too young to understand what was going on. I didn't touch her."

" Yes you did! I heard the screaming and the gunshots! "

"You need some rest. I'll leave you to sleep some. Please don't try anything again. I don't want to hurt you but if you don't listen then I'll have no choice."

He stood and walked towards the door while i tried to gather my strength to make it before he closed it but i was in too much pain to stand.

"Please don't lock me in again! I can't live like this!" I screamed loudly while tears poured out of my eyes.

He turned around and gave me a sad look.

"I can't lose you again. I spent these years trying to get to know you again and i know everything about you. You're not leaving ever."

With that,he locked the door behind him.

"Somebody help me!!!!!"

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