Part 13

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"You never told me why you wanted to talk to me."

"I did. I said I just wanted to see you."

"Yeah, but why?"

"I don't know, I guess I just felt lonely."

"Oh. Today is Friday isn't it?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I'm going back to sleep, that's why."

"You're going to skip school?"

"Yeah, is that so hard to believe?"

"Ummm kind of but not at all. I just realized that you haven't told me where you came from or why you were living with your boyfriend... What happened to your parents?"

"Can we talk about this another day please? I don't really want to get into it."

"Sure... Well then I'm skipping with you."


"Yeah, is that so hard to believe?"

"We need to stop copying each other."

"Yeah, we do." he laughed.

"Well come on then!"

"To bed?"

"No! To watch a movie!"

"But I thought you said you were going to sleep?"

"That was before I knew you were going to skip with me."

"Oh? Im hungry though."

"Good! Make something for me too then! I'll pick the movie!"

"What?! Not fair!"

"Yes it is, you invited me to stay! Now you have to suffer the consequences. muahhh ha ha ha ha!"

"Now who's the boob?"

"Still you!"

I did miss Christian holding me. I was very tempted to go to Josh just for comfort, but that wouldn't be good for either of us. I'm glad that I got Toby back even if it isn't the way we were before. Baby steps are all that matters.

"Now scoot over before I crush you with this breakfast!"

"Mmmmm, it looks yummy!"
Josh and I just watched movies for a while. Sophia was calling me nonstop all day but I didn't feel like talking to anyone but josh so I turned it off. I know i'll get Hell for it when I go back to school but I don't feel like doing that either. How can I look in Christian's eyes and pretend that everything is okay? I can't. I have to drop his class and do it fast. I told josh I'd be back soon, that I had to do something real quick. I walked into the school hoping that I could just see my counselor and leave. But knowing my luck, that didn't happen.


"Oh God."

"I've been calling you all day, where have you been?! Don't keep walking! I know you hear me!"

I walked back, grabbed him by the collar, and pushed him into a classroom.

"I could fucking hear you but I decided to keep on ignoring your disgusting ass!! I only came to drop your class but now I can do this too!"

I took off the ring he gave me and I threw it at him. He grabbed my arm and I spat in his face.

"Don't fucking touch me! You have no right to touch me."

"Why are you doing this? Can you just let me explain what happened? Well the parts I know of? Don't leave me Harmony, I know I should have talked to you about the job but I didn't know how! Let me explain! Please!"

"You're too late! Where were you yesterday? Hmm? Decided to take a stroll for the night? Did that stroll take you straight to Veronica's house? You make me sick! Just stay away from me."

"Harmony! Stop! I love you! Let me tell you what happened!"

"I don't want to hear it!"

I turned and he ran towards me, pinned my arms to the wall and kissed me like there was no tomorrow. When I realized what was going on, I pushed him away and slapped him across the face.

I blinked for a second and then saw Christian get thrown across the room and get kicked a few times.

"Are you okay? Let's get out of here! Now!"

I took a last glance at Christian laying in a fetal position groaning and holding his stomach. I wanted to go to him and help him up but that's what he deserved isn't it? I heard a voice coming and we ran out as fast as we could.

"What are you doing here Josh?!"

"I was worried, you didn't look ok when you left and then I saw him attack you! What's going on? And no, you won't tell me another time! Start talking!"

"Let's talk about this at the house, where people won't be staring at us the whole time."


I started from the beginning, explaining everything including Toby and Veronica. The only thing I didn't tell him about was Victor, I'd never tell anyone about him. When I was finished, Josh was fumed and he jumped out of his seat and before I knew it, he was already out the door, headed towards his car.

"Josh! Where are you going? Come back!"

"He is an ass! He needs to be taught how to treat people and apparently nobody else is stepping up to the plate!"

"Josh, calm down! I'm fine, okay. Just forget about him, he's not worth it okay?"

"The only reason he's not going to get his ass beat is because of you. Just remember that."

He turned back and headed towards the house, went to his room and slammed his door.

He kind of already got his ass beaten though... Monday is not going to be a good day.

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