Chapter 6 - Visitors

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I never did get much sleep that night. I dozed off and on several times, but that was the most rest my mind could get. Even Elijah tossed and turned next to me, likely from feeling the discontent of his mate.

Although I was still skeptical about this new life of mine, I couldn't help but feel closer to Elijah after last night. Of course, he had been sweet and understanding towards me since day one, but last night he was so helpful. He was truly concerned about my mysterious past and wanted to help.

In fact, the first thing he did when he got out of bed this morning was call up Alpha Dean. They had been on the phone for what seemed like hours, but in reality was only about thirty minutes. Elijah had gone to his office to make the call, so I stayed in the kitchen and cooked up a light breakfast while I waited for him to return.

My cooking skills were definitely not the best, so I had to stick to frying up bacon and eggs. Those tasks were easy enough for me to handle. While they sizzled on the stove, I rummaged through the refrigerator and found a carton of strawberries. I could certainly wash off some strawberries.

Elijah finally returned around the time that I was sliding the bacon and eggs onto two plates. He shot me an appreciative smile as he walked over to me and took the plates from my hands.

"I've got it. Thank you for cooking," he said as he carried the plates over to the kitchen table. He placed each plate on a place mat and motioned for me to come sit.

I pulled out my chair and sat down across from Elijah looking at him nervously as he cut into his eggs. He finally met my gaze and sighed.

"Alpha Dean and I had a fruitful conversation, but I'll warn you that all of our questions still aren't answered," Elijah explained.

"Dean did admit that his father kidnapped members of other packs and held them as prisoner. I knew that as well, that's why our fathers don't get along. The intriguing part is that Dean said his father only chose to take certain people. There was always something unique about them in one way or another."

I raised an eyebrow at Elijah's information. There sure as hell wasn't anything interesting about me.

"I'd be the first to admit that you're a beautiful, unique woman, but I just don't know what Dean's father would have wanted with you," Elijah added, scratching his head a bit.

"Can't Alpha Dean request information from his father about me?" I asked. Now I felt desperate for answers.

"He could, but his father most likely wouldn't remember you by name. They never kept record of the prisoners they took. The only way for him to remember why you were important, would be for him to meet you so he could see you again," Elijah answered.

I gulped and shook my head. There was no way in hell I could meet a man who may have held me prisoner as a child! My eyes suddenly widened as a new thought hit me.

"Do you think Alpha Dean's father could be the man in my dream?" I asked frantically. I felt my heart begin to race.

Elijah shook his head. He quickly finished the remainder of his breakfast and moved to one of the chairs that sat next to me.

"He was an Alpha. He may have demanded you be held prisoner, and he may have even demanded that they treat you terribly, but he wouldn't have taken the time to do those things himself," Elijah assured me as he gently took one of my hands in his.

He was right. No Alpha would take the time out of their busy schedule to beat their own prisoner.

"If it's okay with you, I will call Dean back and have them schedule a flight up here. We're hours away from all the other packs, even by airplane, so you'd have all day to prepare," Elijah told me cautiously.

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