Chapter 12 - Threats

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The next morning, I awoke in Elijah's strong arms, as usual, but this time was different. The bond between us was flowing stronger than ever. The very thought of leaving his arms sounded like the worst idea in the entire world. All I wanted to do today, was love on my mate. I wanted to make love to him, tell him I love him, hear him tell me he loves me.

Fucking Goddess...

I'm turning into one of those girls!

I groaned quietly, hating the fact that I was becoming so emotional and mushy. Unfortunately, this groan of mine wasn't as quiet as I had anticipated, and it awoke Elijah.

"What's wrong?" he asked in the midst of a yawn.

"You're making me weak," I mumbled under my breath before tucking our comforter under my arms.

Elijah chuckled and shook his head at me, although it was obvious that he hadn't fully woken up yet, "We make each other stronger. We bring out the best in each other and counteract the worst. That's what mates do."

"You have an answer for everything, don't you?" I teased.

Elijah chuckled at me again and rolled over to pull me into a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, deepening our kiss. I couldn't get enough of this man, my mate. Perhaps we had time for another steamy session this morning...

And just as the thought had entered my mind, Elijah pulled away.

"Shouldn't you be going down to meet with Sofia soon? She's only here for another day or two," Elijah told me.

He was right, but I was still going to put up a fight.

"Trying to get rid of me, are you?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Never," Elijah growled lowly before pulling me back into a deep, ravishing kiss.

"But I know how important all of this is to you – uncovering your past and finding your parents," he said, breaking our kiss to murmur against my lips.

I sighed in defeat, he was right, again. Having a mate who was always right was injuring my ego, but at the same time I found myself feeling very grateful to have a man who took my thoughts and feelings so seriously.

"Fine," I mumbled, rolling out of bed and tossing my pillow at his face playfully.

Elijah chuckled at me as he got up from our bed and made his way to the bathroom to get ready for the day's Alpha duties. I, on the other hand, simply brushed my teeth and threw one some clean clothes. There was no need in getting all cleaned up for a simple day of healing lessons, right?

"I'll see you this afternoon, my little Luna," Elijah called from the bathroom when he heard me open the bedroom door to leave. He knew I'd likely show up at his office after Sofia and I finished for the day.

I knew I'd need to go through the formal Luna ceremony soon enough, especially since Elijah had now marked and mated me. I didn't really have a problem with it anymore, I just wasn't one for formalities. That, and I didn't know what the ceremony would consist of. Every pack's Luna initiation ceremony was different, and they were all kept top secret.

It'd occurred to me several times recently that I should start stepping up more as Luna. After all, the she-wolves in this pack looked up to me. I was supposed to be their friend and advocate, yet, I'd hardly made an effort to meet any of them. Socialization simply wasn't one of my strong skills, but I made a mental note to get with Daphne to plan something soon.

I got lost in my thoughts as I made my way downstairs to the same room Sofia and I had previously practiced in. When I entered the room, I saw Sofia sitting cross-legged on the floor with her various candles and oils surrounding her. The room was dim, having only the candles to provide light, and this made Sofia's already long, dark hair appear raven-black. She turned around to face me when she heard me enter the room, or more likely, sensed my presence, and shot me a beautiful smile. Her violet eyes sparkled against the flickering candlelight, making her appear even more exotic and mysterious than normal.

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