Chapter 21 - Waiting

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I was frozen.

Had those words really just come out of Elijah's mouth? Words I didn't think I'd ever hear. Words that almost didn't seem to make sense. This should be good news, right? So why did my mate look so...unsure? If my parents were dead, why wouldn't he just say they were dead?

What the hell was going on?

"What?" I finally spoke. Part of me wanted to scream, but my emotions were so overwhelming that it came out as a numb whisper.

Elijah sighed, "Ryder found your parents in Dark Root."

"You basically already said that! What the hell is going on? Are they okay? What did he tell you?" I snapped, rambling off question after question.

"Dean supposedly had no knowledge of this, and it was all Archie's doing, although Ryder knows that Dean is lacking credibility now days, so he's going to thoroughly investigate that situation as well. They're okay, but severely malnourished. Ryder fears they could have suffered some psychological damage as well," Elijah explained.

"Those motherfuckers!" I yelled, rage finally taking over.

I should've known. What else could I expect from men as evil as Dean and Archie?

Elijah grabbed me and pulled me tightly to his chest in an attempt to control my oncoming rampage, "We're going to take care of them Lena. Ryder is bringing them here as we speak. They're going to be okay, I promise."

"I barely remember them Elijah. What am I going to say to them?" I asked frantically, lowering my voice a bit. Too many thoughts were flying around in my mind, and Elijah was the only one who could slow them down.

"We don't need to worry about that right now. I'm sure they'll be thrilled to be reunited with their daughter," Elijah assured me, stroking the back of my hair lightly.

He refused to let me go, and instead continued to stand at the side of his desk, hugging me against his chest as if he feared I may break out like a wild animal at any moment. I didn't mind though. I needed him. Elijah calmed me – he was the only one who could.

I let out a long sigh, forcing myself to calm down for Elijah's sake.

"When do you think they will arrive?" I asked.

Elijah leaned down and placed a soft, warm kiss on my forehead, "Either late tonight or early in the morning."

I sighed again and nodded. Nothing could prepare me for a moment like the one to come. I could barely remember my childhood or anything about my parents. I couldn't even clearly picture what they looked like. What was I supposed to say? How were we supposed to catch up? I wanted to believe that seeing them again would bring back my memories, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. After all, Elijah and I had been friends as children, and I still had no memory of him.

"Where will they be staying?" I asked, pulling myself from the thought of my memories.

"We'll need to keep them in the infirmary for a few days at least to help them regain strength and check for any major health problems. We'll want to evaluate their mental health as well," Elijah answered. It made sense, and I wanted my parents to get whatever help they may need, but that didn't keep me from worrying about how life would be with parents who were batshit crazy.

"Why don't you go find Daphne for an early dinner? She missed you," Elijah suggested, desperate to get my mind off of things.

"Dinner?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.

Elijah chuckled and shook his head at me, revealing his signature smirk for the first time today, "All of the travelling through different time zones really got to you. You slept for quite a while. It's nearly five."

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