Chapter 28 - Destined

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"What in the hell were you thinking?" Elijah growled at me as he slammed the door closed behind us.

"I was thinking that I wasn't going to let the asshole get off so easy," I replied, brushing off Elijah's anger. I knew he'd be mad, and that was fine. I knew deep down, he understood why I did it.

"In front of the entire pack, Lena? We haven't even held the Luna ceremony yet. You're not officially the pack's Luna, and if someone decided they wanted to be a pain in our ass and bring that up, they very well could, and then we'd have a serious mess on our hands," he lectured.

I rolled my eyes before turning back around to face him, "Well, you've already promised my parents that the ceremony will be this week, so I'm sure we can get it out of the way before any technicalities arise."

Elijah groaned and stormed off towards the bedroom, likely to change into something more comfortable. The rest of our evening was free, so we likely wouldn't be doing much. Ryder was to make sure Dean was properly seen off of pack property and back to his own pack, and from what I gathered, Zane would be returning home as well. Ryder had decided to stick around a couple more days to watch my mother's progress. I suspected he felt invested in her well-being now, after being the one to find my parents in such condition.

I had suspicions that he may have also been intrigued by Alpha Trey paying us a visit the next day.

"We will have the ceremony Friday," Elijah called out from the bedroom.

I paused to think about what day it was. As far as I knew, it was Wednesday, so that meant the ceremony would be in two days. In two days, I would officially be the Luna of Polar Moon.

As exciting as that was, it was also a bit nerve-wrecking. Every pack had their own variation of the Luna ceremony, and it was kept top-secret. Only the Alphas, previous Lunas, and anyone who had been around to see their previous Luna initiated, knew what the ceremony entailed, and they were all sworn to secrecy.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I walked back to the bedroom to find Elijah laying in bed with the blankets pulled up to his neck. I paused in the doorway and stared at him, raising an eyebrow.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Going to bed," he grumbled back, rolling over to turn his back to me.

I glanced over at the clock and then back to him – bed? The sun was only just going down!

"What? It's so early!" I questioned, suddenly feeling annoyed with him.

"I don't feel like arguing with you anymore tonight, and I don't know how early Alpha Trey will arrive in the morning, so I'm going to bed!" Elijah explained himself, sounding a bit like a pouty teenager.

I sighed and shook my head before approaching the bed and sliding under the blankets next to my mate. I curled my body closer to his, savoring the warmth between us despite our current frustrations with one another, and quickly fell asleep.


I awoke much earlier than usual the next morning, likely due to how early we'd gone to sleep, but even so, I immediately noticed that Elijah was no longer in bed. I huffed in annoyance before throwing the blankets off of me and sliding out of the bed. Where could he have run off to so early?

My first thought was that Alpha Trey may have arrived sometime during the early morning hours, so I decided to go ahead and get dressed and cleaned up before going off to find Elijah. Although I hated feeling the need to make a good first impression, I knew it was necessary.

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