Chapter 19 - Consequences

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Zahra and I continued to chat casually for a while, both distracting one another from our own problems. We were both very different, yet similar at the same time. It was evident that we both shared a certain strength and confidence, but I felt Zahra was more on the spoiled side.

"So, what makes your mate so terrible?" I asked her, plucking a stray wildflower from a grassy patch to my right.

Zahra sighed, "We're complete opposites. It would never work out."

Her reasoning intrigued me, and I couldn't help but wonder...

"It's Alpha Ryder, isn't it?" I asked with a smirk. For her to just find her mate today of all days, and for him to be her complete was too easy.

Zahra gasped, obviously taken aback by my sudden claim, "Do not tell him!" she shrieked.

I chuckled lightly and shook my head, "It's not my business. Your secret is safe with me."

"Although, I will say this – Ryder seems like a good man, and he's an Alpha. It really can't get much better than that. You should give him a chance," I added.

Zahra threw up her hands and shook her head rather passionately, "If he finds out, he won't leave me alone, or my brother. If Zane finds out, he will ship me off with Ryder without hesitating. I'm not interested in Ryder's pack or his morals."

I cringed a bit at her tone. I hadn't been too keen on discovering my mate at first either, but at least I gave him a chance. After experiencing Dean and Zane, I was convinced that Alphas like Elijah and Ryder were rare. Zahra should really be thankful for the man the Moon Goddess blessed her with, but then again, perhaps an asshole like Dean would've been more her style.

Not knowing what else to say, I stood up from the ground and dusted off my pants, "I'd better get back to Elijah."

Zahra laughed sarcastically, "There's another reason – I'm not ready to be tied down like that."

I rolled my eyes before forcing a smile, "One day you'll see things differently."

With that, I turned around and walked back towards the door I'd come from. Walking inside, I found myself back in the familiar hallway of the infirmary. I walked at a casual pace back to Elijah's hospital room, wondering if I'd cross paths with Ryder again on the way. I couldn't help but wonder if he sensed his mate nearby. I imagined that'd be rather unnerving.

Much to my surprise I made it down the twisty hallways without getting lost, and I didn't encounter anyone on the way. When I reentered Elijah's room, he was still laid back in his hospital bed, but he had now turned on the television.

"I was beginning to think you'd run away," he teased before patting the edge of his bed for me to join him.

I couldn't help but feel guilty at his comment. I had, after all, been contemplating it. Guilt was still eating away at me, but after my conversation with Zahra, I felt obligated to stay with my mate.

I loved him. He was my entire world, and I didn't think I could truly live a happy life without him. That didn't change the fact that immense misfortune had been brought upon him since finding me. I couldn't help but constantly remind myself that he had almost died because of me.

I sat on the bed and snuggled into Elijah's side, finding comfort in his warmth and forcing my negative thoughts to the back of my mind. He quickly wrapped his arm around me and held me, and we just laid there like that for several minutes, in silence. Only the TV provided any sound.

"Has anyone said when we can go home?" I asked, finally growing tired of the eerie silence.

Elijah began to rub his hand up and down my side, sensing my anxiety, "They want to monitor my condition overnight, so if everything goes okay with Ryder, we should be able to return home tomorrow."

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