Chapter 30 - Numb

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"I'm fine now, really. I've calmed down," I told Alpha Trey, trying to assure him that my emotions wouldn't interfere with this process.

"That's not what I mean, Luna," he replied, shaking his head. "You will have to meditate and block out your emotions completely in order to heal anyone, whether it be Daphne, or your parents."

I let out a deep sigh. This really was going to be a challenge, but I was determined, so surely that would help. Sofia had worked with me on meditating already, so at least the concept wasn't completely foreign. She'd taught me how to focus and channel my energies. Hell, I'd even managed to heal her when she decided to put me to the test with her little knife stunt.

"I've had some practice already, and from what I've been told, I did exceptionally well," I told Alpha Trey, hoping it would boost his confidence in me. In all honesty, I didn't care what he thought about me, but I knew this whole process would move faster if Trey believed that I at least somewhat knew what I was doing.

Trey nodded, "That will help this process move much more smoothly then. Just remember everything that you were taught previously, and it should come naturally."

I raised an eyebrow, "Not to sound ungrateful, but why are you here if this is apparently so simple?"

Trey and Derek both chuckled, "We have some very valuable tips and tricks, especially when it comes to the more advanced powers you possess and likely haven't accessed yet. We've also brought along some books from our pack as a gift to you. I don't know if you're much of a reader, but they should be immensely helpful once we're gone," Trey answered.

"Okay," I replied with a nod and a short sigh. "So, Daphne first. My parents have waited this long, they can wait several more hours. What's the game plan? How do I approach this?"

Trey smirked, flashing his perfect, pearly white teeth at me. He almost seemed...amused...which both annoyed and intrigued me. I also couldn't help but admire his good looks for a moment. He was a very handsome man and clearly a strong Alpha. I pitied the she-wolf who was his Goddess-given mate. She was missing out on a wholesome man, all because of his pack's long history of ignorant traditions. Part of me prayed that she never found him. I wouldn't wish the pain Daphne was experiencing on anyone.

"Why don't we just get started?" Trey finally replied, his wide, curious smile never fading.


After several hours of meditation review and learning about some of the practices of Trey's people, I felt increasingly confident that I'd be able to help both Daphne and my parents. Much to my surprise, Trey and Derek held a lot of knowledge about healing and the many powers I apparently possessed. The process was long and a bit painstaking, but most of it seemed to revolve around being able to focus and meditate so that I could channel my inner abilities and energies.

Much to my dismay, Alpha Trey had cut his hand with a knife, much like Sofia had done, to test my abilities during the beginning of our practice. Apparently, that was a fairly common method of motivating a healer such as myself.

Part of me wondered why Trey would cut himself rather than using his Beta as the test-subject, but the more I thought about it, the more I figured everyone believed that I'd be content with letting Beta Derek suffer.

"Healing your parents will likely be easier than healing Daphne," Trey told me. "With your parents, their afflictions are mental and physical. Those kinds of ailments are always treatable to an extent, even without healing abilities. Daphne, however, is suffering mentally, physically, and emotionally, all from a source of power much greater than ourselves."

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