Chapter 23 - Healing

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As soon as we entered the pack house we were met by Elijah's parents, Donovan and Diana. They wasted no time rushing to their old friends' sides and ushering them towards the infirmary. Elijah and I followed close behind, but allowed the four friends to have their moment.

Once we got to the infirmary wing, the majority of the pack's medical staff were awaiting my parents' arrival. Their health, both physical and mental, was everyone's number one concern. Once we were sure they were well, or at least on the right track back to wellness, more socialization could occur.

The two of them were immediately ushered into adjoining hospital rooms so there was no further stress or separation anxiety. Reluctantly, they separated from each other and changed into hospital gowns with the guidance of their nurses. Once they were laying in their hospital beds, the nurses and doctors got right to work. They hooked them up to IVs, heart monitors, began blood work, and made plans for every routine medical procedure under the sun.

"I don't see why all of this is necessary," my father huffed, being a rather typical male. Although I knew that if he wasn't at least a little bit concerned about his health after those year of captivity, then he would've outright refused treatment.

"We just need to make sure you two are okay, and if anything is wrong, it needs to be treated," I explained calmly.

My own words made me wonder...did my parents know about my healing abilities?

That was a question I'd have to save for later, along with a hundred others.

My fathered sighed and nodded in acceptance of my explanation while he allowed the nurses to continue to poke him with needles and place various stickers on his skin. My mother did the same, but she seemed more relieved and appreciative of the medical treatment than my father did.

"Why don't we let your parents get settled in and allow the doctors to get started on whatever tests they need to run? We can come back later, but we need to meet with Alpha Ryder in the meantime," Elijah told me.

Just as I was about to nod and join him to exit the room, my mother began growling in a threatening tone.

"He's trying to take her, Freddie! Stop him! He's trying to take our baby! Not again!" she shrieked.

"Iris, calm yourself! Salena is only going to a meeting with her mate!" he raised his voice back at her, attempting to be heard over her violent growling.

Obviously not convinced by her mate's words, my mother began to thrash around in her bed in an attempt to get up. The nurses became frantic, trying to assure her to lay back down. When nothing seemed to work, one nurse quickly pressed a button on the wall and several more nurses soon ran into the room, one holding a syringe.

The moment that nurse jabbed the needle into my mother's arm, my heart sank. Elijah reached out and pulled me to his chest, sensing my internal distress. My heart ached for this woman who I barely knew, but she was my own flesh and blood, and I had no doubt that she loved me more than anything in the world.

I knew there was a chance that this would happen, but I'd been hoping it wouldn't.

My mother had clearly endured a lot during their years as Dark Root prisoners, and her mental health had suffered. She was traumatized, upset, afraid...and I didn't know what I could do to help other than to allow our pack doctors to do their jobs.

Although I was sure my father must be suffering some as well, he seemed to be in much better condition. Perhaps he felt the need to be strong for his mate, but regardless, he was obviously handling all of this more...healthily.

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