Chapter 16 - War

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Most of the rest of my day was a blur. Dean and I argued more, but it made me even more exhausted. I needed to rest, and more importantly, I needed to think. I knew Elijah would show up eventually, but I didn't know what his plan was, so I needed a plan of my own.

I plopped down on Dean's couch and huffed, feeling frustrated and defeated. He and Archibald had retreated to the small office space here in the wing, but I knew there was no use in trying to escape. There were about five guards right outside the front door, and in my current state, jumping out a fourth-floor window would definitely not work.

After about an hour of plotting and sulking, I heard the door down the hallway open as Dean and Archibald exited the office. Archibald walked down the hallway and out the front door without another word as Dean sauntered into the living room, looking very professional in a red dress shirt and black slacks.

Dean cleared his throat as he approached me, "We will have our first proper dinner together tonight. You're free to use anything in the kitchen."

I scoffed, "Excuse me?"

"We will have dinner together like proper mates. The kitchen is well stocked, so you may use anything you need for preparing the meal," he explained, sounding much too casual about the situation.

"Go to hell," I growled, narrowing my eyes at him. I wasn't anyone's cook, and I sure as hell wasn't his. He looked so smug, telling me that I could use anything in the kitchen as if he was doing me a favor. My wolf and I desired nothing more than to rip out his throat.

"I'm not your mate, and I'm sure as hell not your servant. I'm not doing a damn thing for you," I spat.

I paused, "On second thought, I'm a terrible cook so maybe I should prepare you a meal, but poisoning would be much too kind of a death for you."

"You're behaving like a child," Dean growled at me, his eyes gradually darkening.

"Oh really? That's funny, considering I'm not the one holding my friend's mate hostage."

I knew I was acting a bit immature, but I certainly wasn't going to submit to him, and I wasn't going to make any of this easy for him. I'd show him that life with me as a mate would be nothing but a huge pain in the ass.

In one swift movement, Dean reached out and grabbed me by my hair, lifting me up off the couch. A pained yelp escaped my lips and my eyes watered as I fought to remain composure, "You're not the only one who could make this whole situation a living hell," he sneered.

"Remember, Lena, I don't care for you in the least. I only want you for your abilities – to make me and my pack stronger, so we could make this a somewhat pleasant experience, or we could make it a truly dreadful one."

I whimpered as he continued to hold the hair at the nape of my neck in his strong grasp. I hated that I whimpered. I hated showing any sign of weakness to him, but it was painful. I was going to have to rethink all of this, as I hadn't expected Dean to threaten me with physical force. I don't know why I hadn't anticipated it, but it posed a lot of problems for me, especially if they kept injecting me with this drug.

As helpless as it made me feel, Elijah may be the only hope I had of getting out of here.

What I didn't understand, was why Elijah hadn't arrived yet. He knew where I was, so what was taking so long? It'd been two days. Sure, Polar Moon was far away, but an Alpha on a rescue mission certainly could've made it by now.

"So, are you going to behave?" Dean questioned, finally loosening his grip.

I stared up at him with a blank expression and nodded.

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