7 - Matt

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Song of the chapter - Against All Odds by Phil Collins

Last night had been surprising. I went to Amber's expecting to be ignored, told to get the hell out of there, or worse. She had never done anything like that, but after breaking up with her, I guessed her angry side would show up.

Nothing would have prepared me for what actually happened, though.

It was after eleven when I finally made it to her house. I didn't want to deal with her parents by going to the door, so I pulled my signature move of knocking on her window. My stomach was in knots doing it, however. This was a make it or break it moment. I would either earn her willingness to listen to what I had to say, or destroy any chance I had with her.

Knocking on her window was the first step. She opened the blinds a few seconds later and I watched her face fall in what seemed like slow motion. At first she had a wide smile, one I hadn't seen in a long time. Then the smile faded and was replaced by shock. Her eyes went wide instead of her mouth. Then, not even a second later, she was glaring at me.

I had never seen that look on her face, it made my heart beat a little faster with nerves. Shit, this wasn't gonna be easy.

"Please open up. I promise to make it quick." Actually I was hoping to spend a while talking to her, but if I told her I would be fast she might give in easier.

"Why? Are you drunk again?" She crossed her arms, still glaring.

"No! I haven't had a drop. Honest. I haven't had anything all break." I put my hands up to emphasize my honesty.

Her hands uncrossed only to go up and cover her face. "Stop lying! You were drunk texting last week! Seventy-five messages, Matt!"

"I wasn't drunk." I replied quietly then put my hands on the window pane, pleading with her. "I knew exactly what I was doing, every single word. I'm so sorry, please let me explain."

Amber stood there, looking me straight in the eye. "I don't believe you..." she practically whispered to herself.

"I know I've been awful, please let me tell you why." I tried pleading again. I had never begged so hard in my life. Truthfully, I had never begged, period.

She looked down, her eyes no longer sending death glares my way. Then she shook her head, her hands going up to wrap around herself as if she was wrestling with her decision. This was my opening.

"Amber, I know you must hate me, I hate myself to be honest, so let me tell you. At least listen, that's all." My forehead pressed against the glass of her window, the first time I had ever asked, not ordered, for her to hear me out.

"Not tonight." I could barely hear her response, but it made my stomach twist, feeling like there was actually a chance. "I'm too tired, I've already heard too many...truths."

I wondered what she was going on about but decided not to open it up. Not yet anyway.

"Okay. Tomorrow? I could take you to breakfast?"

She shook her head. "No, the afternoon. I'll meet you...at the park around one."

I'd take whatever I could get. The park it was. "Yes. I'll be there. Amber..."

She finally looked back up at me but it was a look of caution, one that said she didn't trust me.

"...Thank you."

As I said it, her eyebrows went up, and those beautiful hazel eyes looked into my own. "You've never said that to me." She replied.

I looked at her, confusion on my face. That couldn't be true, could it? I must have thanked her for something these past few months...

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