(19) Girlfriend senses

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Jax's POV

After knowing that they're now a couple, it made me super overprotective. Once Lunch ended Alex wants my cars keys cause she wants to ditch but of course being a great brother I said no, the she asked Ryder's car keys and of course he gave them. He peck her lips and she stood up walking out the cafeteria. I looked at him.

"Look! If you hurt her or just made her cry or lay a finger on her, I won't have any hesitation of chopping your dick of and push it through your throat and shoot you between your eyes! Do you understand?!" I could feel venow dripping on each word I say, I looked at him and he has fear in his eyes.

"I would rather die than hurt her" He said sincerly, I nod and stood up from the table.

"See you in training!" I patted his back and walk out the cafeteria.

Maddie's POV

"I can't believe she's not going. What would she possibly do on fridays usually she stays at home right?" I asked them once Jax left.

"I know but can we force her to come with us without getting annoyed or Mad? You know she has anger issues" Fiona spoke.

"Ryder!" Someone yelled from behind we saw the one and only Queen Bitch Avery MacCarthy. He looked behind him seeing her running up to him.

"What do you want?? Ann?" We snicker, Ryder looked at us and winked signing he did it on purpose.

"Its Avery but anyhow I want you to be my date is the Summer Dance!"

"H..How did she know?" Becca asked us.

"She's part of the council duh!" I replied, she nodded. "Um! Avery you might want to leave before she comes back." I said to her.

"Who will and why?"

"Sometimes these things are called Girlfriend senses Avery!" Allyson spoke, and the guys nodded like they know what where talking about.

"Girlfriend? If he has a girlfriend thats me!" She said motioning to herself. "So be my date on next friday?" She said while running her fingers to Ryder's bicep. "Woul-" she got cut off.

"Ryd!! I forgot- What are you doing?" As Alexa walks up to Avery.

"Asking him to be my date duh!" She said rolling her eyes.

"This is not good!" Zach muttered.

"Fuck off! He's my boyfriend not yours!" As she push Avery.

"Is this possiveness of her is a good thing or a bad thing?" Ryder asked, we all shook our head.

"Look you're just asking him to be your date so after the dance you could shove him to the restroom and fuck him!" Alexa yelled at her face.

"Its a good thing I'm asking rather than going in here breaking our conversation you slut!" Avery exclaimed.

"Look who's talking Me slut! I'm not the one who's desperate that wants a dick on her clit!" Alexa snapped. Then someone barf. "Sorry I forgot we're in the cafeteria, I thought we are in the forest seeing a walking stick around!" And the area are filled with Ohhhs! And burnss! "But I guess let's just talk about this outside? Right?" Before Avery could answer, Alexa grabbed Avery's hair and pull her out of the cafeteria.

"I think we should follow her? You know?" Jacob spoke standing up from our table. We all stood up and ran out the cafeteria.

Alexa's POV

As I grabbed her hair and we walked out of the Cafeteria, I slam her to the nearest locker Poor locker.

"Look stay away from my man! Or i'll make your life living hell 10x worst than making mine!"

"Like I'm scared!" She rolled her eyes, I grabbed her hair with force she screamed.

"Remember Avery your parents work for my parents! Just one phone call everything you'll have will be gone! From cake face to mud face!" I exclaimed. I pull her hair and push her to the floor.

"You wouldn't!" She bicker.

"You annoy all of my friends and get away with it! But one more time that I hear your voice"

"Princess!" Ryder yelled my name from behind but I ignore him.

"What are you gonna do about it huh!" She challenge, I looked at the locker and realize its mine. I opened it and grabbed my gun point it to her.

"I will have no hesitation to pull the trigger!" I backfired.

"Alex!" The girls ran up to me but I shove them away.

"Alex!" Ryder said grabbing the gun and kiss me, we pull away catching our breathe and few seconds I black out in Ryder's arms.

Ryder's POV

She fainted in my arms and the guys ran up to me.

"Scram!" Jace yelled and I ran to the nurse's office.

"Mr. Matthews what happened?" She asked motioning me to place Alexa to the bed.

"She was fighting with MacCarthy then after that she fainted" I responded to her with worried voice. She nodded went to the refrigerator.

"Okay here's an icepack maybe she just got cope up with the heat and fan to cool her up but any few minutes she'll wake up!" She reassured me, I nodded and thanked her. I sat down beside her and hold her hand.

After an hour she flutter her eyes open she tried sitting up but I stopped her.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"A bit dizzy but what happened?"

"You fought Avery and you grabbed a gun from your locker and aim it at her.  I really have no choice what to do at that time so I kissed you and we both pull away but then you blacked out" I said to her "Wait let me call Nurse Jackson." She nodded

"She's awake!" As I walk up to her desk, she sigh in relieve as she went to check up on her.

"She's fine breathing normal, eyes normal everythings normal I guess its really just the weather but don't worry here's the slip and you can go home" We both nodded and she left. I picked her up bridal style and we walk to my car, I put her in and went to my side.

"You know I could walk right?" She spoke. I smiled

"Yes but i'll drop you at my house so my mom could look after you and Rebecca could entertain you" She chuckle

"No its fine just drop at my house"

"No its not i'll drop you to my house so that I'm sure that you're fine!" I commanded, she sigh in defeat.

"Okay Dad!" She dragg the word, I chuckle.

Once we reached to my house she had fallen asleep so I hopped out and open her side and pick her up bridal style and brought her to my room, with Mom towing behind. I put her to bed and put my blanket on her.

"Honey what happened?" She asked worriedly.

"She fainted at school and she said she's still dizzy so I drop her off here cause I have training for the whole day and no one is looking after her at her house. So mom would you mind looking after her until I get back?" I asked her with pleaded eyes.

"Yes i'll look after her but now someone's calling so I think that's your coach now you better go" I nodded and kissed Alexa's forehead before heading out.

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