(23) Criminals seeks for Criminals

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Alexa's POV

We are now currently outside of the FBI headquarters bickering about who will enter first.

"You go enter Jace cause you're the oldest!" Jax push him forward.

"Why me? You're the leader!" And he grabbed Jax bicep and he went behind him. And they continue bickering.

"Alright! Guys stop!" They all went quite and I stepped forward and enter with them towing behind. We reached the front desk.

"Hi! How could I help you?" The girl like mid-twenties and has a cake face I could tell that she could be one of MacCarthys minions. I chuckle at myself.

"Yeah! We're here for Officer Miles?" I asked her.

"Oh! Yes! Officer Miles are expecting you!" She chirp and told us where his office at, we bid a bye to her and walk to his office. We knock until we heard 'come in' we all enter seeing him sitting on his chair with files on his table.

"So you here to accept my offer?" He asked smirking, I looked at everyone and held up my right hand signing 'make no emotions or sound'. I stepped forward I know this is not coming out good.

"Before we agree on this, I did a background check on Viper seeing his has his own gang. We want to know them before we agree!" I spoke and looked at his eyes I saw hesitation?. "Fine then! You won't find him cause you know what they say 'Criminals seeks for Criminals' that means we could find him easier but if you don't want to then. Guys lets go!" I said walking to the door but I saw at the corner of my eye. He stood up.

"Alright! I'll show you!" He spoke, I smirk and we walk to his table seeing the files.

"This is the files of Viper's gang" He spread the files infront of us. We opened the folder seeing their pictures and names. We looked at the files.

First File:
She had blonde hair, tan skin, 5'6
Name: Sofia Sanchez
Age: 25 Gender: Female

Second File:
He had Brown hair, Fair skin, 5'8
Name: Dylan Colton
Age: 15 Gender: Male

Third File:
He had black hair with light brown highlights, Dark skin, 6'1
Name: Marcus De Vera
Age: 24 Gender: Male

Fourth File:
He had blonde hair, tan skin, 5'9
Name: Jack 'Viper' Sanchez
Age: 27 Gender: Male

"Is this all of them?" Jax asked looking through the folders.

"Yes!" Miles spoke.

"Guys! Look at this he looks like you two and has the same last name!" Maddie spoke giving us the Second file. I took it and look at his features, then looked at Jax with confusion in his eyes I shrugged and gave him the file.

"So would you agree partnering with the FBI team?" He asked smirking.

"Who said we will agree partnering with the FBI?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Me of course!"

"You said nothing about the FBI! And of you want us to partner with the FBI then the deal's off!" Jax exclaimed, he looked taken back.

"You will be partnering the FBI if you like it or not!" He yelled at us. Jace stepped forward and confronted him.

"You asked us for help! It's our choice to agree or not!" Jace spoke calmly.

"Fine! If thats what you want! Then do the mission." We looked at eachother and Jax stepped forward and held out his hand. And he shook it. "You will start the mission next week and tell me what will you need to find them"

"You know what we need!" Jacob spoke from behind smirking. He sigh and used his office phone.

"Blaze! I need you right now!" He yelled from his phone and hung up. Few seconds Blaze walked in and looked at us, I looked at him surprised.

"Blaze you work here?" I asked him.

"Yeah! I needed the job and I also want to be part of the FBI you know!" He shrugged, I smiled. "So boss what you need?" He said looking at Officer Miles.

"Show them the area!" Blaze nodded and looked at us.

"Come one i'll show you what you need." We followed him out of the office and to the 'area'.

Once we reached the steel door. Blaze put the password in and it opened and saw CARS!

"Whoa!" We spoke on unison. We saw a millions of cars getting fixed or modified.

"Follow me!" Blaze spoke and we followed him in.

The boys looked amazed and use girls just look around. And Jordan stopped infront of a tank.

"That thing is called Blocker 4000! I know it sounded boring and the features of that arent. Its bullet and bomb proof, it has weapon installed every part of it even the wheels and the speed of it is like a true race car" As Blaze spoke, Jordan ran his hand to the hood and smiled.

"I think we'll use this!" Jordan said. And while Blaze is explaining about the cars, I saw a car approaching and Jacob looked at it with happiness in his eyes.

"I'll use that!" Jacob spoke pointing at it like a kid wanted candy.Its a 2016 orange lamborgini

"No! No!" Blaze spoke doing hand gestures.

"Yes! Yes! Now put it down! Yes right there ahuh!" Jacob spoke and we all looked at Blaze then we bursted laughing.

"Please Jacob i'll be fired if you use that car in one of your missions!" Blaze spoke worriedly.

"Don't worry!" Jacob patted his shoulder.

"It's ju-" Blaze was cut off.

"Na-uh!" As jacob put his finger in Blaze lips. "You won't. Trust me" As he gave Blaze a reasurring smile.

"Trusting Jacob won't come out good!"

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