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Greta's POV:
  I went to sleep that night feeling weird...
  I woke up this morning feeling weird...
I laid there in bed just staring up at the ceiling stiff as a board since I could feel clear as day the weight of Brahms's arm wrapped around my waist.
What was I thinking?? Wait, no I wasn't ...
I felt Brahms shuffle beside me. He lifted himself up and looked at me. I continued to stare at the ceiling pretending that I didn't notice that he was awake now.
"Greta..." he said softly.
I continued to ignore him. He huffed at my actions.
"Greta... look at me" he said sternly.
I continued to ignore him.
He growled lowly before crawling on top of my body. He hovered over me as he slowly lowered his face closer to mine.
I held my breath scared of what his next course of action would be.
He brought his hand up. I watched his every move carefully waiting to see what he would do next and preparing to fight back should he try to hurt me.
But he didn't hurt me... he brought his hand up to gently caress my cheek. I stared at him shocked before letting out a sigh of relief.
"You thought I was going to hurt you?? I love you Greta... I won't hurt you unless I have to" he said so tenderly that I almost missed the threat threaded in with his sweet words. Almost.
   I averted my eyes from his face scared for a moment.
Unless he has to?? What are his boundaries?? How am I supposed to know when I cross that line?!?
  I felt him grip my chin firmly as he commanded me to look at him again.
   I slowly brought my eyes back to his face.
"It will be alright... just don't do anything stupid okay?? I know you won't though because you're a smart girl, right Greta??" He says softly yet firmly.
I nod my head slowly. He breaks out into a smile at my response. I looked up into his eyes.
He's so...handsome
  He leans in and kisses me.
And ...Gentle
I kiss back hesitantly. Brahms eagerly deepens the kiss at my positive response. I feel him nibble on my bottom lip roughly. I pull away quickly not liking how far this might go.
  I look up at Brahms as he looks down on me. He brings his hand up and swipes his thumb across my bottom lip. He shows me his thumb and I see red..
Blood... my blood...
   I repeatedly glance between his thumb and his gaze before finally settling on his eyes.
  Brahms looks at me and leans down. He kisses my cheek before getting up and holding a hand out towards me.
  I look at his eyes and then his hand.
I bring my hand up to lightly touch my lip while placing my other hand in his welcoming palm.
He's so... weird
I think as Brahms pulls me up and leads me down the stairs.
I follow him robotically.
    When we get down into the kitchen Brahms pulls a chair out for me and gestures for me to sit. I nervously do so.
   I watch as he maneuvers himself around the kitchen preparing my favorite sandwich.
   When he is done he places the plate in front of me.
"Thank you" I say softly before picking up the sandwich and taking a small bite. I feel Brahms's gaze in me the entire time so I look up at him curiously. He does nothing but stare so I return to my sandwich nervously.
Have I upset him??
"Why aren't you eating Brahms??" I ask  him curiously.
"I'm not hungry" he responds bluntly.
I nod my head once in understanding.
   I finish my sandwich as stand up. Brahms stands up with me and follows me to the sink. I begin to wash my dish; very aware or Brahms's eyes on me.
   I feel him move behind me and suddenly his strong arms are wrapped around my waist.
I freeze up for a second before quickly recovering. I finish washing my dish and I just stand there because Brahms has not moved.
  "Brahms" I say softly, " I'm done."
Suddenly I am turned around roughly and lifted up into the kitchen counter. Brahms stands between my legs with his arms around my waist so I can't escape.
   I look at him nervously.
What's he going to do??
He just stares at me before walking away and disappearing inside the walls.

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