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Greta's POV:
When Brahms leaves, the door closing behind his tall frame, my thoughts begin to run rampant. My previously calm exterior shatters and all that is left are tears.
I let everything out not caring if Brahms hears me or not. My tears fall relentlessly so I don't even bother to try to wipe them away. Sobs rack my body and loud gasps escape my lips. So loud that my hand does nothing to silence them so I shove my head into one of my pillows.
Please... please... someone help me...

Brahms's POV:
I close the door behind me. My body gently leans against the wall beside her door and I slide down. I stay there and sit silently not wanting to be too far from her. My eyes close as my exhaustion hits me from all of the worrying and searching.
Then I hear it. The first of many heartbreaking cries. My body tenses immediately at how broken she sounds.
" I'm sorry Greta"
I whisper to myself as a couple of tears fall down my face.

Greta's POV:
   "Brahms.." I gasp out
I need Brahms

Brahms's POV:
My head shoots up at the sound of my name leaving her lips. She sounds so desperate and hurt. I immediately open the door and run in, straight to her bedside.
She looks up at me with glassy eyes and a red tinted nose and cheeks. I bring my hand up to caress her face and wipe her tears away. Greta allows me to do this before lunging herself at me. My body flinches back on instinct thinking that she is mad at me and lashing out now. Our bodies tumble to the ground with hers on top of mine.
I lay still waiting for her to push me and yell, but she doesn't. Instead her face finds the crook of my neck and her arms and legs wrap around me.
  "Greta?" I question as I try to sit up. Her grip on me tightens and she burrows her head deeper into my collarbone.
" shh ...just hold me... please" she whimpers out.
  "I'm just going to put us back on the bed, Greta"
I sit up slowly, cradling her body to my chest, before standing up carefully and placing us back onto her bed. Once on the bed I lay the both of us down and she immediately nuzzles up to me. I stiffen slightly surprised by her actions before I decide to take advantage of this moment and relax in her embrace.
  After some minutes of silence I decide to speak up.
"I- I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I make you miserable. I'm sorry that I hurt you emotionally and physically. I'm sorry that I can't let you go. I'm sorry for-for loving you"
My voice grows quiet at the end as I gaze at the ceiling in sorrow.
  "Brahms" a hand on my jaw shifts my gaze to her eyes that are filled with something I've never seen in them before.
"Don't say that"
That's all she says before she releases me and hides herself in my chest.
What does that mean?
Not wanting to ruin the moment I keep my questions in my head.

Greta's POV:
I can't believe I just did that... well that's what love does to makes you do crazy wonderful things
Although in my case I'm not sure wonderful is on the table, but there's only one way to find out
  I sigh softly at my predicament.
"Hey Brahms" I say softly as I slowly lift my head up to look at him.
"I-I think that- "
I cut myself off as I see his eyes closed and lips parted slightly.
"That you're asleep" I sigh disappointedly before getting comfortable once again and drifting off to sleep.

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