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Greta's POV:
Muscles tense as my mind wanders from the cold to all the possible outcomes of my current situation. I clench my jaw, cursing my stupidity for thinking I could escape. My eyes shift to gaze at Brahms's uncovered face as he steps towards me. The look on his face is neutral and scares me even more than the rage he showed in the woods.
   I clench my eyes shut as tears begin to leak from the corners. My body begins to shake on its own. I no longer care about appearing strong.
   The warmth from his body causes me to flinch. Even though I can't see him, I feel him raise his hand up towards my face. Slowly, I open my eyes slightly to see his right hand graze my bottom lip.
I launch at his unsuspecting fingers and bite down as hard as I can. His other hand comes down and shoved my head away as he yanks his injured hand towards his chest.
"Fuck Greta!"
My body flinches of its own accord as he yells my name. I keep my head down facing the dull concrete floor to avoid a look I have recently gotten used to.
   He sighs as he steps closer until his shoes are the only thing visible in my line of sight. His knees pop as he crouches down to eye level.
"Work with me Greta and this can all be so much easier."
I stay silent.
"Greta.... Will you behave ?"
Silence follows his question.
"Greta, do not give me the silent treatment.... You just bit me and I was just trying to be nice. The least you could do is listen to me at least for now."
He sounds a little defeated. I feel a sliver of guilt deep into my body, but I snuff it out quickly. Brahms sighs into the silent room.
"Take two" he says softly before shifting his body closer to mine. He raises the same hand that I bit just moments ago and grips my jaw quickly. His from grip prevents any resistance from me.
  I feel his stare on my cowering frame. Slowly, I move my eyes up, traveling across his old, dirty clothes up to his grimy face and into his sad eyes.
  As soon as out eyes connect, Brahms shoots forward. Teeth clash with my chin as he catches my bottom lip between his own. My body stills as I process his actions.
I thought he was going to kill me? Or at least cut me up a bit.... Maybe after this he will....
With that thought, tears begin to stream down my face. I cannot hold back the sob that escapes my mouth and falls on his lips.
  I feel Brahms pull back and gaze at my face. He stares at me. No words are spoken. Only the sound of my gasps and sobs fill the space. After a few minutes, I finally get a hold of myself and calm my wails down to a sniffle.
"Greta... I just want you to be happy... with me."
My cries start back up again with the ending words he says. I realize in that moment that this is my life. He won't ever let me go....
My mind spirals with the worst case scenario and I'm overcome with grief.
I'm losing everything... family, friends, freedom... is this what my life will be until I die? Trapped down in a basement ? Forced to kiss a man child? But maybe I can repeat what I've already done... it will take longer for sure, but maybe in a couple of months I can be free again...
  "I'll try... Brahms" I say softly. He lifts his head,  the light in his eyes and soft smile in his lips causes my heart to clench.
  "Good... that's great! I won't make you regret this Greta. I'll be the best boy, so you don't have to leave again.... But I can't trust you just yet.."
  " I know... I understand. Don't worry though Brahms. I'll earn your trust." He smiles brightly down at me. I feel his presence lurk closer and my body tensed. Soft lips brush against my forehead as he places a kiss there.
  "I can't wait to spend forever with you Greta..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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