Kidnapped by a Psychopath- Chapter 3

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"Sometimes you have to stop being scared and just go for it. Either it'll work or it won't. That's life."

Once again the lovely man, who I had learned was called 'Shadow', had knocked me out and dragged me somewhere foreign, somewhere I assumed would be just as dangerous. My eyes had slowly opened as I regained consciousness. I sitting in a dusty, antique looking barn. Dead grass was under my bare feet, the blades making my skin itch. A stream of light came in through the roof and showed all the dust particles falling through the air. The aroma of the room smelt like plywood and hay.

I heard faint sounds of a conversation outside which was muffled by the thick doors, and tried to concentrate on what they were talking about. Their voices were deep. Assertive. They definitely were males. One was deeply shouting and the other sounded frantic, their words rushed. I could only assume it was Shadow and one of the guards from earlier. My arms had been tightly tied around the back of the chair with what felt like leather rope. I tried pulling, the material digging into my skin. I released a shaky breath.

The handle of a thick, wooden door to the barn turned roughly. Someone pushed it in causing the door to be flung wide open, the force causing it to ram into the wall with a loud noise. Shadow. His hair was disheveled and he looked out of breath. His black trench coat was open, revealing a tight black V-Neck tucked into long black pants. A thick leather belt tight around his waist like a snake. With his coat unbuttoned I could see even more tattoos peaking out under his shirt. How high is his tolerance for pain? Those tats must have been excruciating. I lifted my gaze from his chest, making eye contact with the jade-eyed man in front of me.

"Good, you're finally awake." He murmured before taking a few steps towards me, his shoes making a squeaking noise against the grass. "I mean it's only been three hours, Amber." He sent me a glare before disappearing behind the chair. I could hear his jaw clench, sarcasm in the air.

I swear if I get my hands on him. . .His dick will have no mercy.

"Oh I'm so sorry, Shadow! Please forgive me? Please?" I mocked, raising my voice a few octaves. "Psh, I don't even know what overcame me. How impolite! Bad Amber." I said with an eye roll as the ropes went loose around my arms and fell to my sides. I wanted to get up and attack his ass but he slithered a hand in my roots, gripping my hair harshly and making my neck bend back uncomfortably. I bit my lip, drawing blood, holding back a scream.

"I am really not in the mood for your games and sarcasm, Rain." He seethed harshly, his hold tightening. "Also, don't you ever call me that. You haven't earned the right, bitch." He released my hair and pushed me forward, making me stumble out of the chair and collide with the grass.

He gripped my arm and pulled me to my feet, catching my eye when I noticed they were covered in dry blood and dirt. They had deep gashes along the top and by the pain I felt when I stepped, I assumed there were others on my soles. I bit the inside of my cheek to hold in my grunts as we exited the barn in a hurry.

The sun from earlier was still shining bright above us, portraying the complete opposite about how I was feeling on the inside. Ironic. I felt as if a storm had ripped me apart inside and was eating is way out.

I noticed, right after my vision adjusted, becoming less spotty, that the place he was leading me to looked to be the back of the mansion I saw earlier. I couldn't forget the most beautiful place I've seen, even if it was only for a fleeting moment. The paint, decor, and additions were enough to prove I was correct. Yikes.

Kidnapped by a Psychopath | {18+}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon