Kidnapped by a Psychopath- Chapter 13

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Play the song! It's goes perfect with this chapter! And can I like buy Amadeo Leandro?

BTW: comments give me life! Please comment on anything that you like, have questions about, or find funny!!!


"The sad thing is that I leave with so much to say."

"So, any last words, Amber?"

Those cliché words are really never expected to be heard in a lifetime. You can watch countless psychological thrillers and murder mysteries so that when those words come out of the criminal's mouth you instantly expect the protagonist to find a way to escape and obviously save their heroine, or for my awesome ladies out there, save their man, But, when the time came into my life to hear those five words, my mind wen't completely blank. This wasn't a movie where I was scripted with witty comebacks or casted scenes to escape in the most badass way possible.

Caden is going to kill me and that will be that.

His cold, unforgiving eyes stared down into my watery ones. His hips pinning mine down and preventing any further movements. His left forearm pinning my right shoulder and his right hand holding a sticky, bloody knife blade to my throat with pressure. If I moved, I would cut my own throat.

He has me right where he wants me and it feels dreadful.

"Please Stop!" I cried out, feeling the blade dig further into my flesh. "I-I was just doing what you told me to do!"

He narrowed his gaze. "I didn't want to be fucking stabbed, Rain." He growled out. I felt his chest moving up and down rapidly from his own struggle getting me under. His torso rubbing into mine was suffocating.

The blood from his thigh was soaking through my sweats. I shivered at sickly warm feeling.

"C-Caden, you're bleeding really bad. Let me help you back to the house. You need to patch it up. You will lose too much blood." I reasoned with a shaky voice.

His left hand -that had previously been holding me down- moved to tangle itself in my messy hair, pulling at the roots too tightly.

"I wouldn't need to be patched up if it wasn't for you." He hissed making me wince.

"It was self defense!" I whined. "I didn't want to even fight you!" That's true. He was throwing his own game completely out of proportion. He forced me to fight as an ultimatum for not dying.

"Well, look what position you got yourself into." He seethed out with clenched teeth. Oh.

He was in pain.

"You're in pain, Caden." I said softly. "Please, we need to get you inside."

I really didn't want to help him selflessly. But, I would prefer getting him help and away from him killing me.

"Any last words, bitçh." He ignored my statement, his words resuming the terror in my veins.

"Stop! I'm so sorry!" I practically screamed. "I-I won't act out anymore! I swear! Please don't kill me." More tears ran down my face, burning my cuts.

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