Kidnapped by a Psychopath- Chapter 18

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"Where no hope is left, is left no fear."

I instantly felt a rush of hot vomit shoot up my throat. I had to clasp both my hands over my mouth in order to avoid spewing my insides out in front of everybody.

Her skin was gray; the blood seemed to have drained from her body, such a ghostly white sheet remained. Her eyes. . . god her eyes were open. Widened in fear; looking up at the chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The green was practically nonexistent. No life left in them.

After a few minutes of white noise in my ears Chiara grabbed my wrist again, her hand was steady like she was used to the morbidity.

"Amber. . ." She spoke softly, shaking my arm lightly as she tried to pull me out of my trance. "Let's get out of here. You shouldn't have to see this."

I blinked finally, a tear I didn't even know I was bottling up slipping from my eyes and running down my cheek.

I went to turn, wanting to leave the scene and get as far away as possible when something caught my eye. A silver bowl lay next to her corpse. An oatmeal looking substance was spilled across the white carpet, the brown paste drying and staining.

The spoon was laying in a balance between the floor and the bowl, the thick food matted on it.

But I hadn't touched that food this morning. . .

I stopped dead in my tracks and grabbed Chiara's upper arm with a assertive grip. We made eye contact, her face twisted in confusion.

"She was eating the food left for me." I rushed out. "A few hours ago when I came to find you, that- that food was sitting on the nightstand. I", I took a deep breath. "I didn't touch it, Chiara."

Her eyebrows furrowed and she looked past me down where the maid's body laid. Her emotions showed across her face so easily when she realized what I was sputtering about.

She let go of her grip on me and turned.

By now the men who had been pacing the halls with their phones attached to their ears were silent, staring at me as those words left my lips.

Chiara walked over to Arsenal and pulled him aside, leaving me under the burning gaze of the mafia. I avoided making eye contact with any of them and looked down at my feet, moving back and forth slowly to calm my nerves.

Chiara pulled away from their quiet conversation and Arsenal nodded, pulling his phone out once again.

"Um, what's going on?" I asked to her as she walked back over to me, her eyes dilated in what seemed to be fear.

She grabbed me once again, dragging me out of the room and past the men.

When we were a few feet away from the men I looked at her. "Seriously tell me something. What were you and him talking about?" I rushed out, agitation growing in my voice.

She eyed me wearily. "Amber, someone put a hit out for you." She said slowly as we continued down the hallway. "Someone poisoned that food, expecting you to eat it."

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