Kidnapped by a Pyschopath- Chapter 5

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"Author fun fact: This story is based off of a dream I had once."

That reveal had me stop struggling in place, the man's arms wrapped around me. My eyes widened as he slowly released my bunched up wrist and brought his hand down from my mouth. He was cautious while doing so. He didn't want me screaming.

I took in his messy appearance. He supported a black jacket had been wrinkled and was unzipped. He looked out of breath suddenly. His blonde hair was sticking out in slightly different directions. He had sharp blue eyes and a single black lip ring in the bottom corner of his lip on the left side. (His view)

He wiped off my excess salvia on the front of his dark jeans and holds eye contact, backing away from me slowly as to say he was giving me room to breath openly.

"What do you mean "I know who you are"?" I asked in a rude manor, crossing my arms across my chest. "I have never seen you and believe me if it was here, I would've remembered." I sibilated while throwing my arms up to represent my hate for this house. This place. Everything.

He looked around the room, following my frantic waves and chuckled. "Look," he said when noticing my glare. "It's been an extremely long time since we've seen each other, I'm talking elementary school long." He started while taking a seat on the bed noiselessly. "It wasn't at this house and I definitely didn't look like this."

I released a huff of air and ran my handing through my extremely tangled curls. "Keep talking, Stalker."

He smiled at my comment while looking down at the carpet. His smile allowed his cheek to cave in on his right side producing a cute little dimple. It made me smile. Slightly. "I knew when an kidnapping was called for you from the boss that I recognized your name. Amber Rain. It's very. . .unique and it brought back a certain memory from the first grade." He started to chuckle.

That right there sent a wave of nostalgia rushing through my blood. "Dylan. . . Dylan Twine?" I stuttered out severely confused but hopeful. "There's no way. . ." I whispered.

"Bingo." He laughed while running a hand through his hair and meeting my eyes.

I walked forward and stared closely at his face. The high cheekbones, the dimpled, cheeky smile, the ice blue eyes. I knew this man. I haven't seen him in almost twelve years, but I could never forget my childhood best friend.

Memories of us having sleepovers, playing in my backyard treehouse, and watching thousands of films together came flooding back to me in an instant.

"Holy mother of shit!" I laughed while covering my mouth. "What the hell? I thought you moved to Indiana after the first grade because of the military?" I said with a true grin. "Amazing! God, it's been so long!"

My sudden excitement of knowing someone "on the inside" as you would say was replaced by confusion. My most popular emotion lately making a reappearance.

"Wait, what in the world are you doing here? In this type of business or family crap?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Well," he begun while scratching his head awkwardly. "That's a story for another day. I promise. But, right now we need to talk."

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