Kidnapped by a Psychopath- Chapter 6

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Play music ^^! {It's creepy! :)}

"All good times must come to an end. Sometimes the end is deadly."

He stood so close to me. In just a few strides he was suited right in front of me because of his dangerously long legs. I could feel the quick spurts of air coming from his nostrils, he was angry. Infuriated. I could see how he was trying to remain as calm as possible by the quick clenching and unclenching of his jaw. His fists balled tightly down by his sides.

"What about?" I asked carelessly as I met his eyes. I knew I should've nodded instead, hell I should've bent down to the ground and begged for mercy from him. But something inside of me wasn't going to give in to this vile creature in front of me. I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of knowing he could get to me by giving me cold glares and clenched jaws.

After my comment I heard gulps release from the bulkiest of men around the room. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw some of their eyes go wide and even Shadow mumbled an 'oh shit'.

Caden felt disrespected. Oops.

He hastily grasped my chin between his cold fingers, forcing my neck to arch at an unusual, uncomfortable angle. "What have we talked about regarding your tongue, Amber." He spit before letting go harshly.

"That I don't need it, Mr.Moretti." I replied in a mocking town as if I was a prudish school girl. Instantly I saw his eyes darken further. He was so close to snapping. Do it.

I could feel Dylan's loose grip loosen even more as I called Caden by his surname.

Don't worry, Dylan, I'm not going to rat you out.

"Who the fuck told you that." He seethed. His teeth bared.

I blinked.

Caden growled before breaking our eye contact, turning towards Dylan. "Dylan, let her go and get back to your post. Grazie per l'aiuto." He hissed, glaring at me again.

"Yes boss." He complied while letting go of my wrists and heading back outside through the huge doors.

Caden leaned forward and grabbed my already sore wrists tightly and lifted his head up to examine the room. "I want you always guarding the hall where our guest" he shot me a look. "will be staying and a full check up every hour." He ordered. I couldn't see to who but I could take a guess.

"Nooo!" Shadow drawled out childishly. "I don't want to babysit that bitçh! Put Marino on it." I heard Shadow's groan. I heard a coat crinkling and assumed he crossed his arms. "You know I have more important matters to tend to, then runners."

"I'm aware. But right now this is your new priority. I trust you more than anyone else in this room." He rudely directed, his hand gesturing to the room to prove his point with more emphasis.

The two glared at each other.

Nothing was said for about a long minute. Then I heard Shadow sigh. "Alright, but if I get contacted for a new target, I'm sending Marino up for the bitch-sitting." He complied with hurtful words. I craned my neck to look at him. I shot him a cold look. When he saw, he sent me a fake smile.

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