Kinapped by a Psychopath- Chapter 11

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"It's still a game of hide and seek, but my world is getting smaller and smaller"

I slowly stood up on my feet and eyed Caden suspiciously. I was aware this was all part of his game, but a deep feeling of being on edge settled inside of me as I stared into his emotionless eyes. I looked down into the metal seat as a tiny clank of steel sounded against it. There I saw a pocket knife, flat and well suited.

I could've cut those fucking ropes the whole time...

"Well. . ., what're you waiting for?" He said in a sadistic tone as he eyed me and then the door, giving me an opportunity to grab and slip the knife into my sweats subtly. "You have two minutes. Start running."

I turned my body away from Caden and quickly eyed all the potential weapons. Most wouldn't hold a candle to Caden's obvious training and large muscles so I grabbed the small black pistol that laid on the cement solemnly. My dad used to train me with one of those for a short period of time before he became attached to work. I wouldn't have any idea how to use an automatic or rifle so I stuck to something small but deadly.

Caden smirked at the choice of weaponry as I started to run towards the open door. "Interesting choice, Rain, very interesting."

I turned to give him one last glare as he smiled wide, his teeth on full display, stopping at the door.

"Run." He whispered.

I bolted out the door and made my way down the secluded hall. My legs felt like pins and needles since they hadn't moved in over twenty-four hours, my head was pounding due to the lack of food, and my eyes were drooping even as I ran from the absence of rest I've had in the past few days.

I got out of that wing of the mansion pretty quickly and stood at the top of the winding staircase. The large, glass windows casted dark shadows across the walls and furniture, making me shudder in fear. Of course it was night.

As Caden said, no guards were rushing around the hallway like I anticipated. I had no loaded guns aimed at me and the chaos of manly voices was void, leaving silence in the wake.

I rushed down the steps quickly, grabbing the sleek rail, making sure not to slip and blow my only shot of getting out of here.

Caden said I had only two minutes before he would start his chase against me in our hide and seek game. One minute was definitely already gone so I really needed to start moving.

I went through the sliding glass doors from yesterday because I remembered how they led outside where the woods were. If I could get through the woods, I could maybe reach the large gate. Freedom.

This plot of land is enormous, meaning Caden will have to look everywhere if he wants to find me. I feel like he's going to check outside first but I'm still going to risk it; there is no chance of escaping anywhere else. He would have me trapped instantly if he knew I stayed in the mansion.

I breathed in the chilly night air as my bare feet sunk into the dewy grass. Shivers spread across my arms and neck as a breeze blew through my surroundings.

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