Chapter 5 - Not Feeling Well

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"The police aren't picking up," I said urgency in my voice, as I paced up and down the living room.

I dialled them once more; ring...ring..., "Hello, this is Barcelona's police hotline, what's your emergency?" The operator spoke with a heavy Spanish accent.

"There's a dead man outside my house, he attacked us and my neighbour shot him," I said, my voice trembling.

I ran over to the door and peered through the peep hole, "Can you give me your location and describe in detail what happened miss?"

Time seemed to have frozen and the operator's voice sounded very distant, though the phone that was held to my ear.

Filled with fear, I backed away from the door, "He's gone," my voice was barely above a whisper "Who's gone miss?"

"The man, the dead man he's gone," I repeated. It sounded more like a question.

"Listen miss we don't have time for prank calls okay, we have much more pressing matters to deal with."

"Wait, no, this isn't a pr -"

Before I could finish my plea the line went dead.

Without thinking twice I dashed back to the living room where Mom and Nylah were in a horrified state, words flying out their mouths, conversing in fearful panic.

"Lock the doors and make sure the windows are locked too!" I commanded as I began pushing a piece of furniture in front the door to barricade it.

How could Mr. Rodriguez be gone, he couldn't possibly be alive, I saw him get shot... it happened right in front of me.


They immediately began moving.

"Why? What did the police say?" Nylah asked worriedly.

"They're not coming," I said as I made my way to the back door, I checked to see if it was locked.

"Hailey stop, what do you mean they're not coming? Why?"

Mom touched her shoulder, feeling a sudden burst of pain.

I turned to look at her.

"Mr. Rodriguez's body is gone."

Nylah gasped audibly at my words, running to the door to see for herself.

"But how?! I thought he was..." she trailed off, clearly spooked.

"I thought so too."

After securing the house I searched for the remote control.

The T.V flicked on as I pressed the power button, desperate for answers or an explanation as to what was happening.

I inputted the only news channel I trusted. An independent news station that was dedicated to giving it's viewers the whole truth and not cover-ups.

"Head of Police has revealed that there has been a growing number of spontaneous attacks occurring around the following areas: Barcelona, Valencia, and Madrid. We urge people in these areas to be vigilant and follow police instruction.

Attackers are reportedly not working in unison; in fact, they are complete strangers to one another with very different backgrounds. What is uncanny, however, is that victims and witnesses all have similar things to say in describing an encounter with these persons. Brutish, wild and the most common one, animalistic are some of the words used to describe the behaviour of these attackers.

They have all been said to be trying to bite their victims.

Police are having a difficult time detaining these individuals as they are allegedly stronger and faster than the average male.

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