Chapter 19 - Wounded

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A thousand questions swirled around in my mind. I was so confused. 

Who were these people? Why were they doing this? How could they be doing this?

"What does this mean?" I whispered, releasing my thought into the air.

Romero looked at me; his dark brown eyes staring into mine. He seemed as though he was unsure of what to say.

The hunters had now dispersed around the area, seeking to wreak havoc on any unlucky soul that encounters them.

As soon as the sound of the trucks faded and they were no longer in sight, Romero sat up, twisting the key in the ignition.

We had to get moving or else we would be those unlucky souls.

"Seatbelt!" he commanded.

My hand fumbled with the silver buckle, pulling it across my waist.

The engine roared to life, drawing the unwanted attention of some nearby hunters. Romero pulled out of the lot and onto the tarmac road; he floored it, heading in the opposite direction of the trucks and away from the hunters.

They followed hot on our trails. We couldn't lead them back to the house.

"We have to lose them," Romero said voicing my thoughts.

He abruptly swerved around a corner and raced down the street. I looked back, seeing the hunters fading into the distance.


I was violently jerked forward as Romero slammed on the breaks so hard that the car skidded; the scent of burnt rubber high in the air. 

Ahead of us hunters spilled out into the street from around the corner we were approaching. 

Romero swiftly shifted the gear into reverse, throwing an arm to the back of my headrest, as he looked towards the rear of the car. He drove the car backward at such a high speed that I genuinely feared that we would crash.

I looked in the side mirror and saw that the hunters from before were now visible again. We were rapidly closing the distance between us and them. My heart thumped fast in my chest. I looked at Romero nervously; he was completely focused on what he was doing.

Beads of sweats began forming on my forehead; I gripped the sides of my seat unconsciously. My eyes glimpsed in the rearview mirror, we were dangerously close to crashing into them; my grip tightened. 

At the last second Romero turned the steering wheel with one hand while still looking behind; he drove backward into an alley. I gasped as a hunter hit my side of the car shattering the passenger side window. I reflexively threw my hands up to shield my face. 

The hunter gripped my wrist as the hunter desperately pulled my arm. 

I released a hoarse scream as my hand dragged across the jagged broken glass window, splitting the flesh open. Adrenaline numbed the pain at first but realization caused it to sear through the area. 

All the while the car was still reversing. I yanked my arm backed into the car and froze not wanting to make the pain worse than it already was. 

Moisture seeped through my clothes and warm liquid trickled down my elbow as I held my wound close. The gash ran from my wrist to my elbow.

Romero worriedly glanced at the wound, while still backing out of the alley. The hunters were throwing themselves recklessly at the car, trying to jump onto the hood.

The car jerked as Romero tried to keep it on a straight path while reversing. He swerved onto the main road, wasting no time he shifted the gear back into drive. 

My eyes widened as a hunter reached out to grab me through the broken window. Romero pulled to the right so the hunter wouldn't reach me and then sped off taking twists and turns until we finally lost those savage beasts.

"How bad is it?" he asked me.

"Bad," my voice cracked at the end. I dared not to look at that moment.

Romero shrugged his T-shirt off while trying to keep control of the vehicle.

"Here wrap this tightly around the wound." He handed me his T-shirt.

His eyes studying mine deeply for a moment before shifting his attention back to the road.

We sped back to the house as I was losing a lot of blood and darkness began clouding my vision.

I clenched my teeth as the pain was still fresh. I tried not to whimper as I pressed back into my seat, my body tense. I couldn't relax. 

Romero looked at me, a softness glazed over his eyes; he reached over, resting a comforting hand on my leg, his thumb gently brushing back and forth.  The simple gesture provided some relief, drawing my mind away from the searing pain. 

"Try to relax, hold on just a little longer," he said.

~~~Author's Note~~~

Heeey guys! Sorry it's been soooo long 🙈.

Don't worry the semester is almost over, so we'll be back on the wattpad scene soon. 😆

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