Chapter 29 - Hola, Hermosa

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Slowly and reluctantly I floated towards the crack of light, my consciousness being drawn out of deep hibernation. I immediately sensed Romero's absence from the couch, my hand stretching across the empty space where he had laid. I opened my eyes to be met with a pair of unfamiliar  safire ones. The man was sitting on the wooden coffee table next to the couch, slightly leaned forward towards me.

My eyes widened as I instantly reached for the gun on the coffee table, pointing it at the stranger.

Almost as fast as I did the action he expertly disarmed metwisting the gun towards me instead.

"Easy there, Hermosa," he feigned surrender as ejected the magazine and dangled the gun on his index finger.

The dark-haired stranger wore an amused smirk on his face.

"The name's Marco," he flashed a charming smile holding his hand out towards me.

I hesitantly placed my hand in his, eyeing him curiously. He brought my hand up to his lips and placed a soft kiss. "And you are?"

"Hailey," I said retracting my hand quickly.

Was he really watching me sleep?

I wasn't sure what I expected Marco to look like but it wasn't this.

His hair was stark black, held up in a low bun as a few stray strands fell to the sides of his face.

The color of his hair made his ocean blue eyes more piercing; like blue flames that you couldn't help but stare at.

His jawline was sharp, enhanced by a five o'clock shadow and a small soul patch just below his lower lip. His body was lean and muscular. He reminded me of a ruggedly handsome pirate; he even had multiple leather hand bands around his wrist that completed the look.

"Nice legs," he winked tilting his head towards my exposed thighs, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.

Heat rose to my cheeks as I tugged my T-shirt a bit lower.

"That's enough Marco," I turned my head to see Romero entering the room.

"Excuse me," I said politely as I stood up and moved towards the bathroom.

"Don't take him seriously," Romero said as I passed him.

I looked at him and continued on my way.

As I turned the lock on the bathroom door I heard Marco say something to Romero.

"We can't have any liabilities, but you already know this amigo," Marco spoke.

"She can take care of herself," I heard Romero say.

They remained silent for a moment then Marco spoke again, "This isn't like you Nic."

Romero didn't say anything after that.

"Don't tell me you have feelings for her," Marco sighed, pausing for a moment.

"Ay de mi, I spent years trying to set you up with someone and you shot me down every time, you waited for the world to end then to start dating again." I heard Marco chuckle.

"Enough of this, we're losing daylight," Romero stated, "Our next move is England."

"Enzo is somewhere there. We find him and we put an end to this," Romero spoke.

"And the girl?" Marco questioned.

Romero didn't answer.

"I heard about a safe zone in Brighton," Marco said soberly, "This might be the best thing for her. She'd be in more danger with us and we can't afford to be looking after her."

"I know..." Romero responded.

"You can find her after all of this... if we make it out alive."

Their footsteps traveled towards the kitchen and their voices became muffled.

I knew what he meant by that. My heart fractured, I was conflicted inside but I knew they were speaking in my best interest; it still hurt knowing that I would possibly never see him again.

I took a couple of minutes to shower and change back into my own clothes. I tried my best to smoothen my hair, pulling it up into a ponytail. I turned the doorknob stepping out of the bathroom and made my way back towards the living room.

"Ay, Hermosa, I was starting to miss you," Marco winked from by the table. He was leaned over a map circling some places.

"I bet you were," his smirk grew wider at my response.

Romero walked towards me, guiding me to somewhere more private.

"We need to talk."

I tried my best to look all together as he shut the door to the bedroom.

He pursed his lips trying to find the words to say to me.

"We're going to Brighton," he stated, "There's an aviation yard near here, that's where we'll be heading today."

He paused before speaking again, "Marco says there's a safe zone there." He kept his eyes on mine as he spoke, "You'll be safer there than with me."

I saw a muscle in his jaw clench, "I'm sorry it has to be like this."

I stepped closer to him and interlocked my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He wrapped his around me, our bodies melting into each other with each breath.

A single tear brimmed over my waterline, sliding down my cheek.

"Thank you... For everything."

~~~Author's Note~~~

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