Chapter 13 - Nathan?

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Looking at the entrance I saw a 'hunter' barrelling towards us. 

I instantly turned, running to the back exit, but heard Romero's footsteps going towards the danger.

"What the hell are you doing!?" I stopped, looking back at him.

"He'll keep coming after us if I don't put him down, we can't risk it," he shouted over his shoulder.

My eyebrows furrowed when I saw him slide his gun back into its holster and took out his knife holding it inward. Was he insane?

Romero bolted down the hallway and for a moment I wondered if he was going to crash into the hunter. 

With less than a second left for collision, he dropped to the ground sliding in with a cutting thrust kick to the knee causing the hunter to flip over him, crashing face first to the ground. 

Romero swiftly got back to his feet, turning to face the now disoriented hunter.

It shook its head in rage and its nostrils flared, releasing an angered growl. 

It began moving to get back up. Before it could stabilize itself, Romero grabbed it by the hair at the crown of its head, pulling the hunter up the rest of the way.

The knife still held inwardly in his hand, Romero swiftly brings his hand across, slicing the back of the hunter's neck then jerked the knife back into the temple.

Pulling the knife out, he wiped it clean on the back of the hunter's shirt. He let go his grip on its hair and kicked the body to the ground.

"Woah..." I couldn't help but say.

I caught a hint of a smirk play on his lips at my comment, before he grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the exit.

"Come on, let's leave, I'm sorry but your brother is not here; if he was he would have heard you calling and we would have found him by now." He said in a serious tone.

I hesitated, not moving from my spot. Romero looked at me, his eyes soften slightly, "We have to go," he said in a low tone. 

I looked back for a second then turned running with him to the car. We got in, my mind still lingered on my brother. Where could he have gone? Was he still alive?

Romero started the car, pushing down the hand brake, rolling out of the stadium parking lot.

I turned in my seat, facing him, "He couldn't have gone far, he was here just over an hour ago, I have to try  to find him."

He didn't say anything, he just continued to drive. "You can keep an eye out for him, on our way out of the city, that is the most I can offer.  It's dangerous to be out in the open."

I sat back in my seat.

Romero cruised at a slow pace through the city so that I could properly scan the surrounding.

I surveyed each building, alleyway and side street, looking for any sign of Nathan.

The further and further we drove, my hope was depleting.


"Stop! Stop the car!"

As soon as the vehicle halted, I dashed out as I noticed a boy about the same height as Nathan. His hair was dark like mine, he wore Nathan's club shirt with his number and name printed on the back of it.

"Nathan!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Wait," Romero grabbed hold of my arm.

I looked back at him, my eyebrows furrowed as I yanked my arm away and swung the door open.

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