Chapter 2: "This is the world's most dangerous Nephilim?"

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I promised myself I wouldn't update outside of the scheduled days, but the first chapter was so short and I won't be writing for the next few days because I'll be in Georgia so here ya go. Love ya!

Apartment 205, Knoxville, Tennessee

Cassandra Moore believed in a lot of things; things that had hard evidence to support them. Growing up as a hard-core Atheist had not been easy, especially when she attempted to make friends. Religion had always been a big thing in Tennessee, and chances were that if you didn't believe in God, you were hard to accept. Cassandra struggled in the social department throughout college, but she always pushed through it to get where she was now in life. She stuck by her books of scientific theories and laws, turning her nose at any devoted Christian who tried to convert her. What she didn't count on was for everything she believed in to come crashing down on her in less than an hour.

The angel and two Hunters managed to squeeze themselves on the loveseat across from Cassandra's red plush chair, their eyes locked on her bedroom door as muffled screams escaped through the cracks.

Cassandra had her face down in one of her seven pillows, her hands clutching the sides, screams escaping her lips and drifting throughout the small apartment. She laid down on her stomach on top of her bed, all of the pillows and blankets kicked to the floor except for the one that muffled her frustrated screeches. She kicked her legs repeatedly as if she were swimming or throwing a temper tantrum fit for a five year old, yelping when she jammed her toe on the wooden post at the end of her bed.

"Motherfucker!" she shrieked, jumping up in a sitting position to cradle her injured pinky toe. Sam and Dean exchanged glances, their eyebrows raised, before synchronically turning their heads back towards the door. Castiel cocked his head to the side, his eyes squinted as he studied the wooden sheet with old peeling off-white paint.

"Humans do not normally have this response when you tell them they are the offspring of another human and an angel of the Lord," Castiel said. He turned to Sam and Dean. "Do they?" Sam gave him a flat look and Dean rolled his eyes before slapping his hands on his knees, pushing himself off of the couch to make his way to Cassandra's room. He knocked on her door sharply, reaching up and rubbing the stubble on his jaw as he waited for an answer. There was only more screaming.

"Maybe we should give her some more time?" Sam suggested. Dean sighed and threw his head back, groaning. This time he pounded his fist on the door, jaw clenched in anger and annoyance.

"Cassandra, open the damn door!"

"Or not," Sam muttered, glancing away to study the apartment. It was simple; small; cute. It didn't seem to be Cassandra at all. A minute later the door opened and Cassandra looked up to the six-foot-one Hunter with a pout on her face. Her hair was wild and all over the place, her ice blue eyes rimmed red and puffy. Cassandra sniffled.

"Are you crying?" Dean questioned in disbelief. "Why are you crying?" Cassandra glanced down to her foot.

"I stubbed my toe," she mumbled. Dean turned to look at Cas, pointing back to the blonde with his thumb.

"This is the world's most dangerous Nephilim?" Dean asked. He shook his head. "Uh-uh. No way. Not buying it. Not even for a second." Castiel sent the Hunter a glare before getting up and walking over to the two. He studied Cassandra and grabbed her arm without notice, pulling the angel blade from his coat. Her eyes widened and she desperately tried to tug her arm out of his grasp.

"Hey! Let me go! You're a fucking psycho! Let me go!" she screamed out, her voice cracking as if she were about to cry. She clenched her eyes shut and continued to scream as Cas dragged the blade down her arm. A bright blue light peeked through the open wound, briefly blinding Dean.

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