Chapter 4: Archangels, Biscuits, and Broken Windows

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Clarion Motel, Columbia, South Carolina

The sun peeked through the parted curtains, waking the last of the trio as it rose higher in the sky. The blonde groaned and turned over in the bed, shielding her eyes with a pillow in a desperate attempt to go back to sleep. The blanket that was wrapped around her legs was pulled out from under her and when she curled up into a ball for warmth the pillow under her head was also ripped from beneath her. She groggily sat up in the bed, glancing around the room with squinted eyes.

"Rise and shine, Princess!" Dean said loudly, a disposable cup of coffee in his grasp. He brought it to his lips and took a sip. "Time to get up, take a shower, get ready, and hit the road." Cassandra frowned.

"We're leaving already?" she questioned. Dean nodded and took another gulp of the hot black liquid in his hands. Cassandra glanced around the room. "Where's Sam?"

"Breakfast run. He said he'd be about another fifteen minutes. So grab your clothes and get ready. Oh, and when you go to shower, keep the door open." Cassandra's eyes widened and she stared at Dean in disbelief. He couldn't be serious, could he? "I'm not risking letting you run off again." She opened her mouth to argue but Dean cut her off. "And I don't care if you promise you won't, you haven't given me a reason to trust you yet." Cassandra rolled her eyes and climbed out of the bed.

"I'm not exactly comfortable with the fact that you could see me naked. I'm not comfortable with the fact that anyone could see me naked," she replied as she grabbed a fresh set of clothes from her duffel bag. Dean scoffed, rolling his own eyes.

"Then maybe you should've thought of that before you tried to run off yesterday. And I can turn around. Besides, it's not like one of your boyfriends—or girlfriends, I don't judge—haven't seen you naked before," Dean said with a chuckle, taking another sip of coffee. Cassandra stopped, her hand resting on top of her bag. Noticing the lack of movement, Dean turned to look at the blonde. When he caught her expression in the mirror his eyes widened. "Wait. Are you a virgin?" Cassandra nodded slowly.

"I never exactly had time for relationships," she said softly. Dean stared down at his coffee, swirling it around in the cup a bit, before clearing his throat.

"Just keep the door unlocked then," Dean muttered, tossing the remainder of his coffee in the trash. Cassandra nodded and scurried into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. A minute later Dean heard the water start up. Sending a glance towards the bathroom door to make sure it was shut, Dean walked over to the laptop and opened it up to finish reading her file. Making sure that she wouldn't be able to see the reflection of the screen if she walked out, Dean started to read.

Each explanation for each suicide attempt was almost identical, every reason matching up perfectly. Except for the last one. Dean clicked on it and read through, stopping on one of the quotes from the session.

'The voices say that Lucifer is coming. If anymore of the seals are broken then the Apocalypse will be among us. We will all die. I don't understand. Why would voices be telling me this? I don't believe in any of this shit.'

Dean leaned back in his seat, his finger resting on his chin as he read over the quote again. It was definitely Angel Radio that she was hearing. Dean looked at the date for the most recent attempt.

September 18, 2008

Main Reason: the voices were too loud. They kept repeating the same thing over and over again and it was just too much. 'Dean Winchester has been saved.'

Dean's lips parted in shock and his gaze rose over the laptop and towards the door. Just then the motel room door flung open, Sam balancing the paper bags in one hand and the keys in the other. Dean gestured for him to hurry over quietly, bringing a single finger to his lips to tell him to stay silent. Sam furrowed his eyebrows but complied, shutting the door behind him and walking over to the laptop. Dean pointed to the date and reason. Sam's eyes widened.

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