Chapter 3: It's Castiel, not Cassiel

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Clarion Motel, Columbia, South Carolina

    It wasn't a dream. Cassandra had been awoken five hours later by a harsh shaking from Dean, her eyes fluttering open to reveal the blond Hunter, reminding her that everything that had just happened in the past twenty-four hours was real. Angels and demons were real. She was a Nephilim. She was practically kidnapped by her dead sister's boyfriend, his brother, and their pet angel.

    "Wake up, princess," Dean grunted. Cassandra squinted her eyes and sat up groggily in the backseat where she had been sprawled out. Reaching up, she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and glanced behind Dean.

    "A motel?" she questioned as she slid on her flip flops and grabbing her things before crawling out of the Impala. Dean nodded and slammed the door to Baby shut behind her. Cassandra yawned and stretched her arms out, surveying the area around her. "Where are we anyways?"

    "Columbia, South Carolina," Sam's voice replied. Cassandra spun around to see Sam grabbing two duffel bags from the trunk. He sent her a small smile before closing the trunk, walking towards room three-one-six and pulling a key from his pocket. "Angels and demons can't find you here. Not unless they actually see us out and about." He pushed open the door and stepped aside so Cassandra can enter.

    She walked in, wrinkling her nose in disgust at the moldy walls, the smell of mildew drifting around the room but never escaping out the open door. She glanced down at the carpet and cringed at the unrecognizable stains. She didn't even want to think what those stains could be. Cassandra shuddered at the thought. She turned to face Sam and Dean.

    "Guys, I appreciate you trying to help me, but Cassiel—"

    "Castiel," Dean quickly corrected. Cassandra furrowed her eyebrows but nodded.

    "Right. Castiel, warded me. Shouldn't I be safe? Can't I just go home, take my finals, and graduate?" Cassandra questioned. Dean nudged her in the room further, the blonde stumbling and toppling to the floor from the sudden action. Dean arched an eyebrow as he stared down at her.

    "Are you always this clumsy?" Cassandra lifted her gaze towards the emerald-eyed Hunter, frowning as she rubbed her butt. Suddenly her eyes widened and she gasped, reaching for her backpack. She unzipped it and started to rifle through its contents, panic appearing in her eyes. "What?"

    "My meds. I must've forgotten them back at the apartment. I need those." Sam furrowed his eyebrows and shut the motel room door behind him and tossed the bags on the nearest bed.

    "What are they for?" he asked.

    "Uh, one is for my knee. They're painkillers—"

    "So we'll give you some advil and whiskey and you'll be good to go," Dean said with a shrug. Cassandra narrowed her eyes up at Dean and scowled.

    "And the others are sleeping meds and, uh, certain pills," she finished. Sam and Dean exchanged glances before Dean looked back to her with a single eyebrow arched.

    "Birth control?" Cassandra's eyes widened and she recoiled at his words. Dean held his hands up in surrender, rolling his eyes. "Didn't mean to offend the princess," he grumbled, walking around her. Without warning, he grabbed onto her arms and lifted her off of the floor effortlessly. "And gain some weight, would you? Anyone could just toss you and throw you across the room. You need stability when a fight breaks out." Cassandra whipped her head around and stared at Dean in disbelief.

    "A fight?" she squeaked. Dean nodded as if it were obvious while he unzipped his bag and pulled a bottle of whiskey from it. She eyed the bottle curiously then shook it off, her gaze shifting back to the older Hunter. "I don't fight." Cassandra crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly.

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