Chapter 7: Angels, Demons, and Nephilims, oh my!

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Somewhere along Interstate 465, Indiana

The May heat beat down upon Cassandra, beads of sweat forming as she walked down the highway. She hoisted her backpack up higher on her shoulders and swiped away some of the salty residue, letting out a sigh. It had been almost two weeks since she left the Winchesters' protection and she had turned her phone off within the first three hours because of all of the texts and calls from Dean. She didn't bother read them or listen to the voicemails, only delete them. They did just fine without her.

Cars had passed by Cassandra every few minutes, most paying her no attention. Only one had offered her a ride back in Illinois and she accepted it, requesting to be dropped off to the first gas station on the Illinois-Indiana state line. Thankfully, the driver wasn't a murderer or rapist and dropped her off at her desired destination, wishing her luck and leaving her with a bit of money for her trip before taking off. She stayed at a motel for six nights, charged her phone and the portable charger she bought, bought some water and snacks, and continued her trip on foot.

In all honesty, Cassandra had no idea where she'd go. Maybe she'd put in transfer papers from University of Tennessee to a college in New York and use her mother's death as an excuse for missing her final without notice. Maybe she could email her professor and explain that her mother and best friend had passed and see if he'd let her take it. She wasn't sure.

Part of her wanted to go back to Tennessee and let the familiar feeling of what she called home embrace her warmly; to curl up in her cold room with hot chocolate under a bundle of blankets and gaze out the window as the nearby college students living in that complex rushed by. She wanted to go out and party with friends but not touch a drop of alcohol.

Another part told her to run as fast and far as she could. Buy a place ticket and run away to London and hope that the angels couldn't find her.

A small, nagging voice in the back of her head told her to go back to the Winchesters. Cassandra ignored that voice.

She sighed and pulled her phone from the side pouch of her backpack, turning it on. Maybe she should just call someone to pick her up. She had friends in Indiana that transferred out of UT and went to Notre Dame instead. Her phone flooded with notifications the instant it turned on, all from Dean's number.



Cassandra, please answer me. It's about Sam. I think you might know something.



Cassandra, I don't know if you're alive or not but Bobby's been asking about you. He may have found a way to help you. Call me when you get this.



It's been weeks. I know how you are. You always have to have the last word. I'm just going to assume you're dead. Goodbye, Cassy.

Those were the last three texts that had come in in the past two hours while her phone was shut off. He had lowered his text count. Normally it was about ten every twenty minutes. She scoffed and shook her head, opening up her voicemail. One voicemail from Dean's number. She bit her lower lip and debated listening to it. After realizing she hadn't listened to the others and just deleted them, she decided that she'd give this one a chance. Cassandra clicked the icon and brought the phone up to her ear.

"Cassy, it's Dean...again. This is what seems to be my millionth voicemail so it'll also be the last. Sam's struggling. He's going through a demon blood detox and I didn't even know that he was drinking the stuff. I thought he knew how to use his powers without it." Dean's voice cracked and she assumed that he was crying. "I really don't know what do and I could use someone to talk to. I'm gonna assume you're dead and that you were either killed or you killed yourself like you had planned, but if you are alive then please call me back. I just—I need to talk to you. Bye."

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