Chapter 36: 5.18.1 Point of No Return

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Singer Salvage Yard, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Cassandra had woken up around midnight dressed in one of Dean's flannels and a pair of black leggings. She was chained back to the wall, sprawled out across her bed in the panic room. Her head pounded from the after effects of the sedative and she groaned, bringing her hand up to clutch her head. She sat up and glanced around groggily, her gaze landing on Dean standing outside of the panic room, the door swung halfway open. He leaned against the metal and arched an eyebrow at her.

"Good. You're awake. Are you gonna hit me again?"

"Bite me," she muttered, too tired to make any effort to sound threatening. Dean chuckled and shook his head.

"Maybe another time, Princess."

Cassandra furrowed her eyebrows at the feeling of a soft fabric on her wrist and she held them up to see that they had wrapped cloth over her skin to protect her from the cuffs. She rolled her eyes and leaned back against the wall, closing her eyes and bringing one knee up to her chest.

"We were planning on letting you out soon since you were doing pretty good and then you just had to have that outburst," Dean said. She didn't reply. She only let out a sigh and swiped her tongue over her busted lip. She figured that she had probably gotten hit when Dean was trying to restrain her. Dean stood up straight and scoffed, shaking his head. "We're trying to help you here, Cassandra, and you're only making things worse. This isn't you."

"Face it, Dean. You never knew me as it is. Yeah, you know some of my problems and some things that happened in my past; you know my name and my history record and you know that I said yes but you don't really know me." She opened her eyes and turned her head towards the Hunter. "And I have a feeling you won't. You can keep me locked in here for years. You can let the Apocalypse continue and you can let the world end. You can dig through every record of mine and piece everything together but you'll never know who I am. Not really."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you lost my trust and you lost any shot with me. I used to think you were the best thing that happened to me but now I see it. Oh, I see it clearly. Dean Winchester, you are the worst thing to ever happen to me. You ruined my life. I had everything going for me and then you and Sam just had to show up on my doorstep with your bitch."

"That demon would've killed you or taken you to Lucifer."

"And God or Michael or something would've brought me back again. I could be graduated right now. I could be helping people by sitting in a small, cold ass room, and talking about their feelings and regrets. Hell, I could even have a boyfriend right now that loves me!" Cassandra yelled. Dean's face fell but he quickly recovered with a poker face before she could notice.

"You do have a boyfriend that loves you."

Cassandra shook her head, glaring daggers at the Hunter standing in the doorway.

"No I don't. Not anymore."

Dean stared back at her with pursed lips, the gears in his mind turning as he processed her words. He tried not to let his hurt show but he couldn't help it. Cassandra crossed her arms over her chest and looked back to the wall straight across from her.

"Just get out. I don't want to see any of you. And don't bother bringing me food either as an excuse. I don't need it. You and I both know that."

"I'm sorry," Dean whispered before turning and leaving, tugging the iron door closed behind him and locking it. He glanced back through the slit at the blonde before he also closed it. He wiped away any tears that managed to slip and retreated up the stairs to the first floor where Sam and Bobby sat, bottles of beer in their hands.

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