Chapter 13: "Of course it's Lucifer. It's always Lucifer."

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I'm freaking out because I'm on the court for my friend's Sweet Sixteen that's today and I don't feel ready and I feel like I'll mess up the waltz. I'm giving you an extra upload because I know your comments will get my mind off of things and help kinda calm me down.

Foreclosed mansion somewhere in Lincoln, Nebraska

    Cassandra landed in a dark room, instantly coughing and waving her hand from all of the dust. She tucked the address into her back pocket and blindly wandered around in search of a light switch. Her hands skimmed over the walls and she cringed and shuddered in disgust every time she hit a cobweb. After a few minutes of mindless walking, her finger hit a small point of plastic that felt like something similar to a switch. She flipped it up and turned, watching as a chandelier in the middle of the room flickered to life, illuminating every piece of covered furniture and every cobweb that clung to the walls.

    "Well, Castiel, don't you have nice taste," she muttered, throwing her backpack down on the ground beneath the light switch. Letting out a deep sigh, Cassandra started to tug the white sheets from the furniture. She'd cough and wave all of the dust away every time but learned to suck it up. She was going to be here for weeks at a time which meant she needed to be comfortable. She stopped when she pulled a sheet from a glass case full of swords and knives. Glancing over her shoulder and around the room to make sure Castiel didn't appear, Cassandra popped open the case and grabbed one of the swords.

    She ran her fingers along the blade before smirking, swinging it around. It felt a bit heavy in her hand but she knew that she could grow used to the weight if she was taught how to use it it properly. Cassandra continued to swing it as if she were in battle when a voice cut her off.

    "Cassandra!" She yelped and lost grip of the sword, the weapon crashing to the ground as she whipped out her angel blade. Castiel raised a single eyebrow at her and she rolled her eyes, sighing as she pocketed the blade and swiped the sword from its spot on the floor. "The weapons are for later," Castiel scolded, snatching the blade from her grasp and gently setting it back in the glass case.

    "Where are we anyways? And why a mansion? It gives me the creeps," Cassandra asked, shivering slightly. Castiel shook his head and ran his hand over the top of the case, locking it. She eyed the glass case before looking back to Castiel.

    "Because this mansion is full of angelic weapons. Your weapons." Cassandra's eyes widened and her lips parted slightly in shock. "Michael was supposed to take you on your eighteenth birthday to start your training but he couldn't find you. I assume you were some type of medication then?" Cassandra nodded and Cas sighed. "He had these weapons made for you. We weren't sure if the Apocalypse would happen in your time, but he decided to take advantage of it instead of killing you."

    "Kill me?" Castiel nodded.

    "Nephilims are against the laws of Heaven. They're abominations and they can be merciless. They could destroy the Earth with a single scream if they really wanted to. There were many long arguments and debates on whether or not to let you live before Michael finally volunteered you as a weapon," Cas explained. Cassandra nodded and started to pace around the room, rolling her bottom lip between her teeth in thought. She stopped just in front of the fireplace and turned to face the angel.

    "Great. So if I'm a weapon for Heaven but I took the side of the humans, then why does Hell want me so bad?"

    "Lucifer." Cassandra scoffed, shaking her head.

    "Of course it's Lucifer," she muttered. "It's always Lucifer." She turned to look at Cas. "So how'd it go with telling Sam and Dean? Is Bobby okay?" Cas sighed.

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