Chapter 11: 5.1.1 Sympathy for the Devil

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A hand grasped Cassandra's shoulder and the last thing she heard was Sam Winchester's voice before being thrown to the floor. She cried out as the figure grabbed her neck, lifting her from the bright white floor that she recognized as the room she and Cas were training in only hours earlier. Her vision hadn't refocused yet and she gasped for breath, struggling to breathe. Her feet kicked at air, inches from the ground beneath her. She clawed at her attacker's hands, desperately trying to escape their grasp.

"You stupid, stupid, girl!" the male voice roared. Cassandra's vision started to focus but she didn't recognize the face or the voice. "You should have stayed away from those boys when you had the chance!" Cassandra's blue eyes were wide as she stared into another set of eyes her color, the man's raven hair slicked back.

"Wh—who are you?" she choked out. The man threw her to the floor and she gasped for breath, clawing at the ground for safety and security. Her hand lifted to her throat, rubbing the raw red handprint that had been left. Cassandra coughed a few times, her palms pressed flat against the floor to hold herself up.

"Who do you think? Your father," he spat. She turned her head and stared up at him with wide eyes. No longer seeing his human vessel, she saw a bright white face. She lifted her arm to shield her eyes from the light but was instead pushed onto her back, his foot on her chest holding her down. "You should have known better than to go running back to them," he growled.

"Michael?" Cassandra whispered. His jaw clenched, confirming her thoughts, and her eyes widened. "I don't understand. Why would the angels let Sam free Lucifer? He will kill us all!"

"That's what you are for! In the case that my vessel and I fail, you are the one who will stop him! We will win this war but only if you comply and stay up here with us," Michael explained. She furrowed her eyebrows, shaking her head.

"Where is 'here'?"

"Heaven, my daughter." Cassandra's eyes widened and she felt the training from Castiel kick in immediately, her fight or flight reflex taking over. She grabbed onto Michael's foot and pulled it off of her chest, twisting it around so that he lost his balance. Michael fell to the ground and Cassandra sprung up, taking off. She tugged on the handle of the door, breathing a sigh of relief when it opened. "Get back here, Cassandra!" Glancing both ways with two directions to go, Cassandra took the left and bolted down the corridor, glancing over her shoulder every now and again.

"Castiel, if you could hear me, now would be a good time to pop in and save my ass!" the blonde shouted. After another thirty seconds of running she had a feeling that Castiel couldn't save her. He was dead for all she knew. Taking a sharp right, Cassandra stumbled upon a door.

"Oh, thank Jesus," Cassandra muttered before flinging it open. She slammed it shut behind her and leaned up against it, listening as Michael's footsteps passed by. "Who would have thought that I would have this life?"

"Cassandra?" Cassandra's gaze snapped up to see a familiar blonde, her head cocked the side and eyebrows furrowed as she studied the Nephilim. Cassandra's hair was a bit wild from behind tossed around like a rag doll from her father, but her dress was still in perfect shape. "I'm confused. You don't own that outfit. You hate anything that isn't a pair of jeans or leggings." Cassandra's eyes lit up and her heart raced in her chest as she slowly pulled her weight from the door. The familiar blonde was dressed in a white nightgown, one that Cassandra recognized from her nightmare.

"Jess?" she whispered. Cassandra slowly advanced towards her, reaching out and touching a lock of her hair. Tears welled in her eyes when she realized she was real and she let out a small laugh. "Jess!" Pulling her into a tight hug, Cassandra gripped the back of her nightgown, Jess doing the same to her dress.

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