Chapter 16: Drunken Pancakes

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I've been having a really bad week so here's a chapter. Hopefully I get to see some comments. I always love those notifications.

Through the parted curtains the sun illuminated the old dusty hotel room, its rays shining directly on the blonde Nephilim in the corner of the room, knees curled up to her chest and fast asleep. They had stayed in a hotel room that lacked a couch or a cushioned chair so Cassandra had taken the floor again, her bed made out of extra pillows from Sam's and Dean's beds.

Cassandra groaned and turned to shield her eyes from the sun, a chuckle escaping a man's lips and drifting through her ears. "Rise and shine, Princess," Dean said, running a towel over his wet hair. Cassandra's eyes fluttered open and she looked up to see Dean dressed in only a pair of jeans, his chest bare. Her gaze drifted over to the scars on his shoulders before shifting towards his torso, his abs defined and what she guessed to be firm. Dean chuckled. "Checking me out again?" Cassandra's eyes snapped up towards Dean's and she scowled.

"You caught me off guard," she replied, pushing herself off of the carpeted floor. She let out a sigh and walked over to her backpack and pulled out a set of clothes. She had been smart and taken a shower the night before, desperate to wash away any trace of twenty-fourteen. The shower had made her feel better but not by much. Cassandra's gaze drifted around the room and she furrowed her eyebrows. "We're missing a Winchester."

"Sam went to grab food." She nodded. "I wanted to talk to you about what happened back in twenty-fourteen." Cassandra rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"I told you Dean; nothing happened. Your future self an I got into an argument and I left. I didn't want to go on the mission with him. It's that simple." Dean shook his head and stepped towards Cassandra, his lips pursed in thought. She pulled the tank top she had slept in over her head and grabbed the white v-neck from her backpack, throwing it on.

"He told you about us in the future. He told you that we were married. You couldn't look him in the eye after he came back from the mission. So why did the idea upset you so much that you couldn't bring yourself to look a man in the eye as you spoke to him?" Cassandra sighed, nodding. She glanced around the room before looking back up to Dean.

"It wasn't the fact that we were married that bothered me. It was that our marriage was the reason Sam said yes. Something obviously went down in Detroit between the three of us and I was there. Like Castiel said; I have the ability to end the world if I wanted to and I have a feeling that I did." Dean's gaze softened as he stared down at the blonde in front of him. She grabbed a pair of jeans from her backpack and glanced up at the Hunter in front of her. "Call Sam and tell him to order in. We're eating breakfast there."


Cassandra and Dean pushed open the door to the diner across the street, the bell above their heads jingling as an announcement of their arrival. Sam glanced up at the sound of the bell, waving the two over to his table. Cassandra's feet brought her straight towards the table but her mind wandered. The last time she was in a diner she had been confronted by Lucifer and killed a demon. She pushed the thought to the back of her head. She didn't need to worry about him at the moment. She had herself to worry about.

"So what made you want to eat in?" Sam questioned. His gaze was fixed on Dean but when the blond pointed his thumb towards Cassandra Sam furrowed his eyebrows and glanced over to her. "You wanted to eat in?" She nodded and forced a smile on her lips.

"Yeah. I just haven't had a real meal in a while. Or a meal at all for that matter." Sam nodded and shrugged.

"Alright. Guess we're gonna eat with you for the first time," he said. Cassandra chuckled and nodded, picking up the yellow menu that had been placed in front of her. Her eyes skimmed over the breakfast options, landing on a photo of a stack of pancakes paired with bacon and hashbrowns. She just found her first meal in weeks. "So how was training with Cas?" Sam questioned. Cassandra shrugged and set the menu down, looking up to Sam.

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