Chapter 15

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Alex's pov

I jumped out of bed and ran outside. Lucy was in trouble and I couldn't just sit there and do nothing. Even if she was a vampire I need to be there for her. Just like she'd be there for me if I needed it.

I ran to the place where I last saw her and tried to catch her scent. Bingo. I followed the scent and it led me to a stream. Next to the stream was a knife with blood all around. I smelled the blood and instantly knew it was Lucy's. I continued to try and follow her scent but then it just stopped. As if she had no scent. I couldn't smell her.

Panic was written all over my face. I looked around to see if she was here but there was no sign of her anywhere. "Damn it." I whispered. Where did she go. Why can't I even catch on to her scent. I cross the stream and start walking. Come on. She has to be here somewhere. I thought. Hurry up and look for Lucy! Max yelled. What do you think I'm doing!? Just walking around for no reason? He growled at me. Everytime you're with her she gets in trouble Alex. Maybe if I were in charge- I cut him off. Nope. You know how you get when you're with her for too long. He rolled his eyes and finally shut up.

I smelled the air and I finally caught her scent. I looked around but there was no sight of her. Hmm. I continued to follow the scent until, I heard rustling behind me. I turned around to see Lucy tied up against a tree. She was tied up in a silver chain, probably so I couldn't touch it.

"Mhmm mm mmhm!" She mumbled something in panic. "What?" She kinda motioned to the side so I moved to the side and a guy with a knife stumbled in the spot I was just in.

I quickly shifted and tackled him but, he pushed me off. And I gotta say, he was strong.

"Get away from me, mutt." He said with venom laced in his voice. Wait. I sniffed the air. He's a vampire. Whats a vampire doing in werewolf territory? "Let her go you blood sucker!" Wait would that be offensive to Lucy? I don't know.

"Not until you give me what I want." He replied. "And what would that be?" I questioned. He looked down at Lucy. "Her." Oh hell no. "No." I said in a serious tone, trying not to lose my temper. "Not her her. She has some organs that belong to a vampire. My now dead wife to be exact. I want them back." I raised an eyebrow. "And how do you expect to get them." He laughed a dry laugh. "By killing her of course." He said in a 'duh' tone. Lucy's eyes widened in fear. I growled. "You will not be killing my mate." I said while trying to push back Max.

"Oh. This little....thing, is your mate. I don't even know what she is. A hybrid I suppose?She's certainly not just a half vampire." What's he talking about. "She is not a thing. And what do you mean she's not just a half vampire?" He looked at me like I was stupid. "Well obviously, she's human, a vampire, and somthing else. I don't know what though." He said glancing at Lucy then he turned towards me. "Wait how'd you not know this? She's your mate. This shows how little you know about each other. I should just kill her on the spot." He said pulled out a weird looking knife, or what I'm assuming is a knife. I growled when he stepped towards her.

"You're not killing Lucy." I said slowly walking towards them. "Well what are you gonna do about it. Kill me?" He scoffed. "Actually, yeah." I said as I ran towards him and took the knife. "You don't evem know how to use that. It's not as simple as you think. Typical dogs." I growled. "We aren't dogs, we're wolves." I said while keeping Max back.

"Wolves. Dogs. Unicorns. They're all the same." Unicorns? What? I rolled my eyes. "Just like you blood suckers are basically leeches." I replied with a smirk. "Yeah, sure." He said rolling his eyes.

"HM MMM MHM!" I don't know what she said but I could tell she was mad we were wasting time. "I know! I know!" I said as I ran behind the vampire and stabbed him in the heart. It probably wouldn't kill him but it'll give me time to set Lucy free. I ran over to lucy and pulled the silver chains with all my strength, ignoring all the pain.

I untied the cloth on her mouth and picked her up bridal style. "Thanks Alex..." She said in a whisper. "Your welcome." I replied giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Come back here!" The blood sucker yelled as I walked away with my mate in my hands. "Nah I'm good." I said not even glancing at him.

Never knew having a mate was so hard. I thought as we came up to the pack house. I sighed. But it's worth it. I get to be with my beautiful mate.

I walked into the house and into our room. "I'm so glad you're okay." I sighed in relief. "Yeah. But what was he talking about? He said I was a human, a vampire, and some third thing." I shrugged as I set Lucy down on the bed. "I really don't know. For all we know he could be lying." "I guess you're right." She said as she gave me a kiss.

I deepened the kiss and slid my hand behind her small waist pulling her in. She reached her hand behind my neck and the other on my shoulder. She pulled away to get some air but I continued from the lips, to the jaw, down her neck, and to her collar bone. I sucked on her soft skin for a while, leaving her a hickey. She bit her lip. "A-alex. We should stop..." She said as she lightly pushed my away. I nodded.

Was I pushing it? We've been together for a while now. I shrugged and we got snuggled into bed. I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. "Goodnight Lucy." I said as I nuzzled into her hair. "Goodnight." she mumbled. Then sleep took over and I was happy once again.


Thanks for reading! So this chapter got a little weird but eh, who cares? Not edited. Also, 1129 words ^-^ And one more thing, thanks for 246 reads and 44 votes! I'm so happy! Anyway, thanks!

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