A Proposal

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Annabeth's POV

It has been just over a month since we had graduated, and so far both of our careers were going smoothly. My boss was having me help him with a huge project for one of the wealthiest families on Long Island, they wanted a Greek style house and naturally, that's right up my alley. Percy is loving his job at the marine biology institute, he's already helped several animals that most of the employees at the institute didn't know what to do with. Of course knowing how to speak dolphin and turtle probably helps out a ton too.

Today was Friday, thank the gods. I was ready to just lay down in sweat pants and a sweater that's too big for me and relax. It had been a long, exhausting week and I was ready to sleep as much as possible.

I approached the apartment door and there was a yellow piece of paper stuck to it that read: warning, residents in this building should expect a foreclosure statement within the month. Please speak with the residential committee if you have further questions.

I swore in Ancient Greek. Foreclosure? We live by the university, is every broke college kid forgetting the rent in this place?! I snatched the paper off the door and laid it on the kitchen table. I ran to my room and flopped onto the sea blue comforter in exhaustion. I covered my face with my hands and let out a long sigh. Our room was partially messy, it was mostly my side. I had papers scattered on my half, Percy just had a few clothes here and there.

I lifted my head off the bed and started out the big window to the right of the room. Outside, the tall buildings covered our view of the ocean on Long Island. Glancing around our room, my eyes fell on the two closets wedged into the wall on the right side of the room the other to the left. Our bathroom was outside the door and to the right.

As if I was seeing our place for the first time, a feeling of remorse overcame me. Of course I had been thinking about moving to a new place for the last month. Our apartment was getting small, and I thought it was time that we move somewhere else closer to our jobs. I knew I'd have to consult Percy, but I'm sure he'd be on board. Even though I knew it would be hard to say goodbye to this place.

This was the first place we'd actually lived alone in together and we had so many happy memories here. Moving in junior year and bickering over the furniture and layout of the place. Food fights in the kitchen, studying until dawn, all the times we'd kissed and danced in the living room. I loved the time nights when we'd lay awake all night talking about anything that crossed our minds. I laughed out loud when I recalled the time Percy nearly set the kitchen on fire on our anniversary last year as he failed to make me pasta and bread for dinner.

If we moved we'd leave behind all those memories and more, what if in our next house we aren't as happy? No! You will be, and you know it's time for a change, we aren't in college anymore it's time to start a new chapter. Thinking rationally, I had convinced myself that it was time to move. No matter how sad it would be, we just didn't really fit here anymore. It's too...young and college-y here.

I changed into a big sweater, and my pj pants walked into our kitchen and sat down at my computer and went apartment hunting. I'd found three good ones, they all had a view of the ocean and were within fifteen minutes from both or one of our offices.

Around six I heard someone fumbling with the keys, I smiled, Percy never gets the key right the first time. I watched the handle turn and he stepped inside, I was blocked by the kitchen wall so he didn't know I was here. I heard him talking probably to Jason, he was using the Demi-phone our friend Leo had invented. Where real phones could attract monsters, his Demi-phone did not, also they were indestructible. These things were fire proof, water proof and shatter resistant, you name it the Demi-phone is probably resistant to it.

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