Jackson #2 & Grace #1

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Percy's POV

Luke was two now and Annabeth was pregnant with our second baby. She was due any day and everyone in our house was ecstatic for the new baby. What made this pregnancy easier for Annabeth was not only because the first one was done, but that Piper was going through everything with her too. Piper was about eight months pregnant and the girls had been thinking up baby names for months. As for us, we decided on Zoe Thalia for a girl and Charlie Iapetus for a boy. The Graces seemed to be leaning towards Elliot for a boy and Elise for a girl.

Luke had taken his first steps at nine months and began to say 'dadda,' around twelve months and 'momma' at thirteen months. He was beginning to look more and more like Annabeth with each passing day. His hair was golden blonde just like hers and was super curly at the ends. I took Luke to work a lot now, mainly because everyone asked me to and I hated leaving him for the day. He toddled everywhere, and picked up just about everything within his reach.

I took Luke to the park this afternoon since Annabeth was in work mode, and Luke and I had been wired with energy all day. "Sings!" Luke shouted pointing at the swings.

"You wanna go swing buddy?" I asked pointing towards them.

"Yes!" Luke clapped his hands in excitement as I walked over to the swings and sat Luke down. He rocked frantically back and forth, "push dadda push." He ordered with a smile on his face.

I pushed him forwards and each time he would scream, "higher, higher dadda!" I laughed with him, I loved how happy he was all the time, he almost never cried or was fussy.

"Side, side dadda!" Luke pointed towards the big green slide. I stopped the swing and carried him over. I helped him climb up the play set and sat him down in my lap. Luke laughed and laughed as we barreled down it and when I got a butt full of wood chips at the end.

"Again." Luke pointed at the slide. We did this ten more times before I checked my watch, the time read six thirty, dinner would be ready soon.

This time I picked him and sat him down towards the middle of the slide so he could go by himself. "No dadda no!" Luke shrieked as I set him down by himself.

"Luke, it's fun. I'll catch you." I encouraged him.

"No fun!" Luke huffed and crossed his arms. Something Annabeth does a lot when she's mad.

"Luke look, it's fun, you can be a rocket when you come down." I had said the key word, he loves it when I flew him around like a rocket.

"Wocket?" Luke asked.

"Yes, but only if you go down the slide." I bargained.

"Wocket?" He asked again, now eyeballing the bottom of the slide.

"Yes, now come on, mommy is getting dinner ready." I added.

Luke pushed himself cautiously down before he hit the fastest part of the slide and let out an ear splitting scream of fear. Before he launched into my arms, "Luke blasting off in 5...4...3...2...1....BLASTOFF!" I shouted, turning Luke's tears of fear into shrieks of laughter as I ran him around the playground and all the way home.

I let Luke press the button to our floor and he pushed open the door, "oh no rocket ship Luke is out of control!" I shouted as I entered the apartment. I bumped Luke who was giggling loudly into walls in search of Annabeth. I ran into her office and sure enough she hadn't moved from when we'd left an hour ago. "Attention Luke, we are reaching the mothership! Look out!" I yelled, laughing with my son.

"Momma! Wook! I'm a wocket!" Luke shouted to his mother focused on her drawings.

"That's nice dear." Annabeth mumbled, not looking up. I set Luke down who looked very disappointed and confused with his mother.

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