Jiper Wedding

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Percy's POV

We'd had Luke for just over a month and let me just say that having him and Annabeth to come home to everyday was greatest gift ever. I had so pictures of them in my phone, I'd show them to everyone at work all the time. I loved walking into the apartment and seeing Annabeth cradling Luke with music playing and wearing a smile I've never seen before she had Luke. I could spend hours watching him, feeding him, and holding him, I loved everything about my son. He looked like Annabeth with my eyes, thankfully, Luke wasn't very fussy. But when he was, he loved car rides and any time he wouldn't stop crying in the night that was my go to option.

It was Friday afternoon, I had a long week at work and I was ready to spend some quality family time. We decided we should take Luke to Jason and Piper's wedding, (I don't think Piper would have let us in without him), also because my mom and Paul were out of town this weekend. Annabeth went out and bought Luke a baby tuxedo onesie for the wedding. He looked like a little man, a handsome devil, just like his father.

"Annabeth, I'm home, where's my son?" I called from the front door.

"Right here Perc," Annabeth called from the living room. I walked in and Luke was lying flat on his back on the play mat trying to swat at the toys hanging above him. I gave Annabeth a quick kiss hello before I picked up Luke and held him in my arms.

"How was work today?" Annabeth asked, stroking Luke's head.

"Good, gotta big presentation about the temperature changes in the ocean next week, that's gonna be stressful. But at least I have two things to help me get through it." I nudged Annabeth who kissed my cheek. "How was our boy today?" I asked, smiling down at Luke who yawned in response.

"Very good, he's slept a lot today, I took him on a walk this afternoon, and got some work done. Oh, and I picked up your tux from Jason and Piper's today too. Are you excited for tomorrow?" Annabeth asked giddily.

"I am, I'm happy for those two. Does Luke have his tux too?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Of course, I can't wait for everyone else to see him. I just hope he doesn't cry a lot tomorrow that would be awful for Piper and Jason."

"I think he's gonna be fine, we should keep him up later tonight so he sleeps a lot tomorrow, just to be safe. Wanna go for a walk?"

"Yeah, let's go. Oh, and put Luke's coat on, it's oddly chilly out for May." Annabeth added before racing to the coat closet. I picked up Luke and dressed him into his blue Patagonia onesie jacket, courtesy of Piper and Jason. Annabeth unfolded the stroller and after buckling up Luke, we headed out into the crisp, May evening air.

I pushed the stroller, with the memory foam handles (thanks Leo and Calypso), and the stroller glided and turned with ease. Luke was dressed in his blue onesie jacket, with a small fuzzy blue hat and was wrapped in the warm green blanket my mother had made him a few days after he was born.

"Look Lukey, there's the Atlantic Ocean, your daddy will teach you how to swim there." Annabeth bent down to Luke's eye level, pointing towards the vast blue ocean ahead us. Luke made a cooing sound, which made me excited because maybe when he got a little older, he would love the ocean just like we did.

"Annabeth," I asked, after she stood back up next to me.


"Who's going to watch Luke tonight? I know you're going to Piper's bachelorette party with your friends, and I don't want you to miss that. I can stay with him tonight. You've done enough this week." I said, turning my head towards hers.

"Percy, I can't have you miss out on Jason's night either, they went to ours when we got married remember?" Annabeth answered, her eyes sparkling in memory.

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