Wisdom or Sea?

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Percy's POV

"Luke, Zoe, are you all packed?"

"Yes dad." They groaned.

"Dad, why can't we go to Camp this year?" Charlie asked, he and Silena looked up at me with pleading eyes.

"You'll go next summer, when you're seven just like when Luke and Zoe first went. Now, hustle up, let's get ready before mom gets downstairs."

The twins sighed and slumped off to the car, "can I get a microphone please mommy?" Taylor begged as she followed Annabeth down the stairs.

"I said maybe, Taylor. Now please, get into the car." Annabeth answered in annoyance.

"Only if I can get a microphone." Taylor insisted.

"I said maybe!" Annabeth raised her voice.

"But mommy..."

"Taylor! Come here you!" I scooped her up and carried her towards the garage.

"Whee, I'm an airplane!" Taylor cheered.

I looked back at Annabeth who gave me thankful look, as I "flew" Taylor towards the car. I handed her, her headphones and IPod fully loaded with every Taylor Swift song ever made. "Thanks daddy." Taylor smiled at me, the resemblance between her and Annabeth was truly remarkable, everyday she looked more and more like her mom.

The other four kids were all ready in their carseats, either watching movies or playing a game. I sat down the driver's seat and my exhausted wife plopped down in the passenger seat. Annabeth was going back to work in September, because by then, every kid would be in school all day. Taylor would have started this year, but in September she was four, for her fifth birthday was in March. I could tell Annabeth was ready to go back to work, she was hired again by the same company she had worked for when we were still in college. Wow, college, that seemed like a lifetime ago, over ten years ago, gods has it really been that long?

"You shoulda said no. You should've gone home, you should've thought twice before you let it all go." Taylor sang loud and proud in the back seat. I glanced up in the rear view mirror and saw Zoe, Luke and Charlie all look up and flash the oblivious Taylor, a menacing glare only their mother could do.

I turned around and tapped Taylor's leg, "sweetie, can please you lip sing? You're being a little loud." 

Taylor took her headphones off and asked, "why? Do you not like my singing daddy?"

"No sweetheart, I love your singing voice, it's beautiful, but how about this. Tomorrow you and I will go get you your microphone."

Taylors eyes shone like stars and she gave me the biggest grin I've ever seen her give. "Really? Yay! Thanks daddy."

"But, only if you lip sing in the car, or else no microphone." I bargained.

"Ok, I'll be quiet." Taylor put her headphones back on and stared out the window and silently moved her lips to the music.

"Aw, dad, why did you promise her that? Now I'll have to listen to that for the rest of my life." Charlie whined.

"I'm sorry bud, but it's gonna happen." I looked in mirror at his disappointed face.

"But dad, then she's never gonna stop." Luke sighed.

"We've gotta encourage her son, it's just like you three with sports. Do you want your mother and I to stop encouraging you guys to play them?"

"No," the three hung their heads low.

"Well said Percy, didn't think you had it in you." I heard Annabeth yawn.

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