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Percy's POV

"No! I'll never fall for your tricks, leave me alone." I heard a girl's voice cry. I was in a cavern, the walls dripped droplets of water that echoed throughout the cave.

Then I heard a bone chilling laugh, an all too familiar one from my past. "Foolish girl, I'm not trying to trick you. You've listened to your parents too much. I can help you."

"You're trying to manipulate me, but it won't work. I'm not like everyone else!" The girl's voice shook the cavern. I could only see the back of her head, her hair was jet black, and her style of clothing was very familiar, the girl looked around thirteen or fourteen.

"You're right about that young demigod, you are different. You're stronger than the rest, bolder, fearless, more powerful." The women's voice rattled my bones with her smooth, echoey tone.

"You will not seduce me like the rest, I am not like them, I never have been. Nothing can keep me away from my family and my friends." The girl found courage in her voice, she stood up taller and more confident than she had been before.

"Your family? Your friends? They don't care about you. You've always been the outsider looking in, they've never understood you. Not your brothers, your sisters, your friends, or your parents. But I understand, let me help you." The women appearing in the form of a green misty figure with glowing gold eyes loomed over the girl.


"Think about it, you've always been different from your sisters, never enjoying the same activities as they did. And your brothers, ever since they took interest in sports, in girls and their friends, they've isolated you, and left you out to dry. And your mother and father don't understand you, you've been blinded by them, their stories, their lies. About their past, about me, about Kronos, about the giants. This is where you belong, with people who will understand why you are the way are. Why you've never been good at making friends, why your love interest won't fall for you."

The girl was breathing heavily, she collapsed on the floor like I do after too many visions of the past pass through my head. The girl was so familiar, the black hair, the black, leather jacket and jeans.

Suddenly realization slapped me across the face. The girl was my daughter! "Zoe no! Don't listen to her, she's trying to manipulate you! We understand you, we love you, don't be seduced by Gaea's trickery!" I shouted, hearing my voice crack. I felt tears stinging in my eyes as I watched my little girl lie helplessly on the cavern floor.

"You don't know what you're talking about! You don't know me, you don't know my family, they love me, and so do my friends." Zoe balled fists, she gave the misty figure of Gaea a death glare.

"You don't think I understand? Why you have never connected with girls your age? Why boys don't like you. Why your mother give you a hard time? Why your brothers have turned their backs on you? Why are you different from everyone else? I have the answers Zoe, right here. If you want them, you must join me, to defeat your family and friends who have betrayed you."

"No!" Zoe cupped her hands over her ears and screamed Bloody Mary. "Stop it! Stop it! Get out of my head you monster!"

"Leave her alone Gaea! Don't punish her for my past! I'm the one you want!" I bellowed, I reached in my pocket to pull out Riptide to slash Gaea into oblivion, but Riptide wasn't there.

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