Fourth of July

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Percy's POV

The house had been decorated with flags, reds, whites and blues in celebration for The Fourth. We invited the Graces, Valdez's, Zhangs, Vanderbilt's (Rachel and Orion) and the Underwoods. We'd been seeing them lots lately mainly since Luke had met their oldest son Marcus at Camp. We also we found out that Marcus attended the same school Luke went to.

We were preparing our house, yard and deck for a big night filled with campfires, laughter and fireworks. "Percy! Do we have enough hamburger and hot dog buns?" Annabeth called from upstairs.

"Yes Annabeth we have plenty." I answered back.

Charlie ran over to me in his red shorts and blue American flag t-shirt, "daddy, mommy asked that lots of times."

"I know son, she did, she's just stressed." I sighed.

"Why?" He asked.

"I would tell you if I could. What do you have there?" I gestured to his hands that cradled a football.

"Can we play catch daddy? Please?" Charlie begged, his grey eyes pleaded, and who would I be to say to a game of catch?

"Of course, come on let's go." I answered excitedly.

Charlie's eyes lit up like fireworks and he raced me outside. Soon enough the two of us were tossing the football and he'd try and tackle me if I tried to run past him. It was nice to have a boy in the house, don't get me wrong, I love my girls, but it was nice to do some guy things. Usually Charlie, Luke, and I do them together, but I think Charlie misses Luke more than he lets on, I know I do too.

"Go long Charlie!" I ordered playfully.

Charlie turned around and ran towards the tree line, "ready daddy!" Charlie's voice echoed across the lawn.

"Quarterback Percy Jackson gets the ball, he's looking for an opening!" I narrated loud enough for Charlie to hear.

"I'm open! I'm open!" Charlie waved his hands in the air.

"The Giants' wide receiver Charlie Jackson is open down right field." I shouted to Charlie, who was ready to catch the ball. I released the leather ball from my fingertips and a flawless spiral hurled towards Charlie. Charlie's eyes were locked on the ball, he was determined to catch it clean out of the air. I watched the ball spin towards Charlie's awaiting hands and it landed right in them.

"Touchdown!" Charlie cheered running towards me parading the ball around.

"And the Giants win the Super Bowl thanks to Charlie Jackson!" I heard a deep voice say that wasn't mine or Annabeth's.

Charlie and I turned our heads towards the deck, there stood Jason and Elliot. Charlie giggled with pride, "look uncle Jason! I caught the ball!"

"I see that, you are going to be a very good football player one day." Jason encouraged him.

"Thank you." Charlie beamed.

I clapped Jason on the back, "hey man how are ya?"

"Doing good Jackson. I think before it gets to late we should do a showdown between the Grace boys and the Jacksons."

"I like it. Whaddya think Charlie? Do you think we can beat Jason and Elliot?"

"Yes! We are way better than you." Charlie teased.

"It's settled, right here, right now Jacksons." Jason joked, the three of us laughed until our sides ached. Elliot stood there quietly, he didn't seem sure if he wanted to laugh or watch.

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