Dinner Epidemics

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Percy's POV

Family dinners. There's nothing on earth more complicated yet more rewarding than having a sit down dinner with my crazy family. Annabeth had spent a the last hour making meatloaf. Everyone loved her dinners, they were delicious. I told her to become a chef and quit architecture, she slapped me for that comment.

The first Wednesday of March, a few weeks before Taylor's first birthday. Annabeth decided to make meatloaf for dinner. Everyone was excited, except Zoe. She couldn't stand meatloaf, I think she'd rather eat insects instead.

From the kitchen, I watched her and Luke run around outside, Silena wanted to help Annabeth with dinner. Taylor and I sat on the floor surrounded by toys and Charlie who was watching Finding Nemo. Annabeth let Silena wash the dishes which seemed to satisfy both cooks. "Percy, can you call Zoe and Luke inside please. It's time for dinner." Annabeth called.

I picked up Taylor and sat her down in her highchair, Annabeth had blended together some meatloaf and peas for Taylor to eat. Annabeth hated buying baby food, she liked to make her own because it was healthier for Taylor. She had done that with all our kids, which is why they're such good eaters, well, maybe not Zoe.

"Luke! Zoe! Dinner's ready!" I shouted from the kitchen window. I rounded up my two year old twins before Luke and Zoe thundered through the kitchen to take their seats at our round, wooden dinner table.

Annabeth gave each of us plates and Zoe's reaction was priceless when she saw her least favorite meal set in front of her face. "Can I eat leftovers?" She asked Annabeth, who just sat down on the opposite side of the table.

"No Zoe, you have to eat your meatloaf." Annabeth groaned, she was not in the mood to deal with this right now.

Zoe crossed her arms and shut her mouth. She wasn't going to eat this time, "Zoe it's yummy, come on eat your meatloaf." Luke tried to encourage her, but he knew he couldn't influence her this time.

"No." Zoe scowled.

"Zoe Thalia Jackson you will eat your meatloaf right now or no school tomorrow." Annabeth threatened. Zoe looked at her, I was afraid of the glare Annabeth was giving Zoe. But Zoe was not scared of her mother.


"That's it!" Annabeth shouted, "get over here now!" Annabeth stood up and grabbed Zoe by her arm who was giving her mother an even scarier look than Annabeth could ever give. She dragged Zoe into the other room, I heard her saying something to Zoe, but no one at the table could understand even though we had gone dead silent.

"Daddy, why is Zoe being weird?" Silena asked.

"I'm not sure, she's never liked meatloaf. Just don't follow her example, not this time ok kids." I whispered to them. 

"Meatloaf is yummy." Charlie stated his opinion.

"Yeah, I love meatloaf." Luke said.

"Well your sister does not. Come on eat up, they're coming back." I instructed as we all shoved a forkful of meatloaf into our mouths.

Zoe stomped her feet as loud as she could. She does this whenever she's really angry, and Annabeth looked exhausted and furious. Not a good combination. We were all quiet for a moment before Zoe broke the silence, "I'm not eating dinner!"

Annabeth slowly looked up from her food and gave Zoe the most menacing death glare I've ever seen, she stabbed her fork into the table! Right into table! "I can't do it anymore Percy! You deal with her!" Annabeth cried, she stood up and stormed off.

Zoe turned to me, "do I have to eat it daddy?"

"Yes Zoe you have to. Why don't you like it? Your mom makes the best meatloaf ever."

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