Luke Goes to Camp

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Annabeth's POV

Luke was seven, seven! How could he be seven?! Dropping him off at the bus stop two years ago was hard enough. Now I had to say goodbye to him for a full summer.

Five year old Zoe was depressed about her brother leaving but knew how to handle herself now, I knew nothing would ever be as bad as preschool. The twins were three and half and Taylor was two, my kids were all growing up so fast.

Percy and Zoe took Luke shopping for a duffle bag for the his first summer away from home. Luke got a green bag and lots of new clothes. He would be going to camp at the same age I had gone. Percy and I decided a few years ago that all of our kids would go to Camp for the summer by the time they turned seven. At the time, I thought this was a good idea, but now it was actually happening.

Zoe and I helped Luke pack two nights before we would make the drive to Camp. Fortunately we were less than two hours away, and Luke would be going with Troy. It turns out that he is a half blood too, none of us were sure because he was adopted. But I guess we should've known because he was from Greece, there had to be a good chance.

Luke also knew a girl from school named Lauren who was a half blood too. She lived a few houses down from us, he and Lauren played together all the time. Lauren was one of the cutest little girls I've ever seen. She was so adorable, she had green and brown eyes that blended perfectly together. Her chestnut hair was naturally curled exactly like mine, she had a unique style too. She wore a jean jacket every day, a t-shirt underneath it and turquoise converse. She was so sweet, and very well mannered. She loved our girls, she would play with everyone, but she and Luke got along very well and hardly ever fought. Lauren was a lot like Zoe, except softer, with the similar tough personality yet as sweet as a rose.

Apparently Rachel and Orion had arranged a ride to camp for her, Lauren said her parents were very busy and were never home. We would have offered but we can only fit seven people on our suburban. Five kids in the back and two parents in the front.


"Lukey get your suitcase." Silena ordered.

"Yes Lena, I've got it!" Luke groaned as he ran upstairs to grab it, Zoe followed him to help.

"Momma." Two year old Taylor tugged my jean shorts.

I bent down and picked her up, "yes sweetie."

"Car?" She pointed towards the garage.

"Yes, we are taking Luke to Camp Half Blood." I swallowed, not ready to say goodbye to my little boy.

"Can I bring my soccer ball mommy?" Charlie asked as he ran by me.

"Charlie! Wait! No you can't...ugh fine." I sighed. Charlie and Zoe were our athletes, of course Charlie had a knack for every sport he played. Zoe was very similar but not quiet as natural as Charlie was but she could pick anything with a little bit of practice. But of course, her favorite sport was swimming.

"Do you have your swimsuit?" I heard Zoe ask Luke.


"Underwear?" I heard Zoe giggle.

"Yes Zoe," Luke tried to hide his laughter.

"Teddy bear?" Zoe asked quietly. Luke stopped and whispered something to her.
I smiled, it was cute that Luke still slept with a stuffed animal.

"Everyone get your shoes on let's load em' up!" Percy commanded like an army general.

The kids ran throughout the house, grabbing toys and shoes until finally we loaded up the car and began the two hour drive to camp. Zoe, Charlie, and Luke sat in the backseat watching Scooby Doo and singing the theme song. Taylor and Silena sat in the captain's seats behind us, Silena begged for Taylor Swift, she loved her music. And for some reason Taylor either mellowed down or got very excited every time she heard Taylor Swift. Her name now seemed cliché, but we still loved it anyways.

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